Home Epic Games Admission: Threat of Leak by ‘Hackers’ in Epic Games Was Phony

Admission: Threat of Leak by ‘Hackers’ in Epic Games Was Phony

In a shocking turn of events, it has been revealed that the alleged hack of Epic Games was nothing more than a phony attempt to scam the company. Last week, a ransomware group known as Mogilevich claimed to have stolen 200GB of data from Epic Games, with the intention of extorting money from the gaming giant. However, the group has now confessed that they do not actually possess any such data and were simply trying to pull off a con.

The saga began when Mogilevich demanded a ransom of $15,000 from Epic Games in exchange for the stolen data. Surprisingly, Epic Games did not respond to the alleged hack at the time. Later, a spokesperson for the company clarified that they had not been directly contacted by the group and their first knowledge of the situation came from a tweet reporting the ransom demand. They also stated that there was currently no evidence to support the claims made by Mogilevich.

According to Cyber Daily, a spokesperson for Mogilevich has confessed that the group is not actually composed of hackers, but rather scam artists. They claim to have executed similar tricks on other companies in the past. The spokesperson’s confession raises questions about their motives for revealing the truth instead of simply disappearing with the money. They stated, “This was done to illustrate the process of our scam. We don’t think of ourselves as hackers but rather as criminal geniuses, if you can call us that.” However, it is important to note that this confession could also be inflated or completely false, as pointed out by Cyber Daily and GamesBeat.

Hacks and potential leaks have become a serious concern in the gaming industry, especially in light of recent successful attacks on Insomniac Games and Rockstar. These breaches resulted in the exposure of confidential employee information and unreleased game footage, causing significant damage to the companies involved. In October, Europol managed to apprehend the hacker group responsible for the 2020 Capcom breach, highlighting the ongoing threat faced by game developers.

The incident involving Epic Games serves as a reminder of the constant need for vigilance and security measures in the gaming industry. While it may be tempting to dismiss such claims as mere hoaxes, companies must remain cautious and take any potential threats seriously. The consequences of a successful attack can be devastating, not only in terms of financial losses but also in terms of damage to reputation and customer trust.

As the gaming industry continues to evolve and grow, it is crucial for companies to invest in robust cybersecurity systems and stay updated on the latest threats and vulnerabilities. Only by remaining one step ahead of hackers and scammers can game developers ensure the safety of their valuable data and protect the interests of their customers.

In conclusion, the alleged hack of Epic Games has turned out to be a phony attempt to scam the company. The group responsible, Mogilevich, has confessed that they do not actually possess any stolen data and were simply trying to pull off a con. This incident serves as a reminder of the importance of cybersecurity in the gaming industry and the need for constant vigilance against potential threats. Game developers must prioritize the protection of their valuable data and the trust of their customers to ensure a secure and thriving gaming ecosystem.

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