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Americans Show Growing Concern for Climate Change, but Biden’s Climate Policies Remain Unknown

Rising Concerns over Climate Change in the United States

Like many Americans, Ron Theusch from Alden, Minnesota, has become increasingly worried about climate change. As Theusch witnesses the effects of a warming planet, he is concerned about the world his grandchildren will inherit.

Growing Concerns about Climate Change:
A recent poll conducted by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research reveals that 45% of adults in the United States have become more concerned about climate change in the past year. Among Democrats, this number rises to 6 in 10, while even 25% of Republicans express heightened worries. This increased concern among Americans highlights the urgency of addressing climate change.

Biden’s Climate Change Policy:
President Joe Biden’s signature climate change policy, the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), aimed to alleviate these fears by investing billions in incentives for consumers and businesses to transition to clean energy sources. Biden has touted this climate agenda as a significant achievement during his reelection campaign. However, the recent poll suggests that the general population is not widely aware of the IRA and its potential benefits.

Limited Awareness of the IRA’s Impact:
The survey reveals that only one-quarter of Americans believe they have benefited from tax credits for renewable energy projects, incentives for domestic clean energy production, individual tax credits for solar panels, or subsidies for electric vehicles and energy-efficient appliances. These numbers are substantial considering that the law was enacted less than two years ago. However, for many Americans, these benefits may not be noticeable due to their association with larger purchases like cars or home improvements.

Disproportionate Democratic Beneficiaries:
While Democrats predominantly report receiving benefits from the IRA, a notable trend emerges. Only about 1 in 10 Americans believe that these incentives have negatively impacted them. However, the majority (one-quarter) claims that these tax credits have made no difference for people like them. About 4 in 10 respondents lack sufficient knowledge to form an opinion about the benefits of the IRA. Sandra Sherman from Vero Beach, Florida, expresses her skepticism, stating that she sees few people in her area utilizing solar panels despite their perceived benefits.

Public Confidence in the IRA:
The poll indicates a lack of public confidence in the long-term effectiveness of the IRA. Only between 23% and 35% of Americans believe that the law’s key components will eventually address climate change. Approximately 2 in 10 respondents believe that these provisions will have no impact, and one-third admit to lacking enough knowledge to form an opinion. This suggests that while Americans acknowledge the need for action, they may not fully understand what measures are necessary or have strong opinions on the matter.

Biden’s Advantage on Climate Change:
Despite these results, President Biden maintains an advantage over his predecessor, Donald Trump, regarding climate change. Roughly 4 in 10 U.S. adults and two-thirds of Democrats trust Biden to address climate change to some extent. Even some moderate Republicans like Jaime Said from Panama City, Florida, express trust in Biden’s consideration of climate issues, contrasting it with their doubts about Trump’s commitment to addressing climate change.

Economic Considerations:
One of Biden’s main arguments for the IRA was its potential to benefit the American economy and workers. However, the poll suggests that this message has not resonated with the majority of Americans. Merely 2 in 10 respondents believe that the law has helped the U.S. economy, with approximately one-quarter thinking it has harmed it. About half of Americans either believe it has made no difference or do not possess sufficient knowledge to form an opinion.

Consensus on Government Action:
Despite reservations about the IRA’s impact, a majority of Americans believe that the federal government is currently doing too little to address climate change. They generally agree on the importance of government support for climate solutions, such as limiting the use of environmentally harmful products, passing stricter environmental laws, and building a national network of public charging stations for electric vehicles. This sentiment aligns with the Biden administration’s focus on these areas.

The Role of Corporations and Government:
Many Americans, like Julio Carmona from Stratford, Connecticut, emphasize the need for corporations to take responsibility for environmental issues. While individuals can make efforts to save energy and recycle, Carmona believes that impactful change requires corporations’ involvement. He emphasizes the government’s role in holding corporations accountable for their environmental impact.

The recent poll highlights the increasing concerns of Americans regarding climate change. While President Biden’s IRA has made strides in incentivizing clean energy adoption, many Americans remain unaware of its benefits. There is a need for more widespread awareness and education about the law’s provisions. Additionally, the poll reveals the importance of government action in addressing climate change and the need for corporations to play a more significant role in environmental sustainability.

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