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Anna Korhonen: Pioneering Natural Language Processing in the AI Revolution

TechCrunch is launching a series of interviews to highlight remarkable women who have contributed to the AI revolution. In this interview, we focus on Anna Korhonen, a professor of natural language processing (NLP) at the University of Cambridge. Korhonen’s work revolves around developing and applying computational techniques to meet the needs of AI, with a particular interest in responsible and “human-centric” NLP.

Anna Korhonen’s Journey in AI:
Anna Korhonen’s interest in AI was sparked by her fascination with the complexity of human intelligence, particularly in relation to human language. She initially studied engineering and computer science, and specializing in AI allowed her to combine her interests. Her journey in AI has been driven by the mission to develop AI that can improve human lives for the better.

Impactful Work in Natural Language Processing:
Korhonen is most proud of her work where fundamental research on natural language processing has led to the development of tools that support social and global good. For example, these tools can help us better understand diseases like cancer or dementia and support education. Her focus is on using AI’s practical potential to make a positive impact on society.

Navigating the Male-Dominated AI Industry:
In an industry dominated by men, Korhonen acknowledges the challenges but also highlights the presence of a sizable female population and established support networks in her area of AI. These networks have been immensely helpful for her in navigating career and personal challenges. However, she believes that the industry’s male-dominated agenda influences the priorities of academia and industry, which can have wide-ranging socioeconomic and environmental implications.

Advice for Women Entering the AI Field:
Korhonen emphasizes the need for more women in leadership positions within the AI field. She encourages women to actively involve themselves and network to achieve better gender balance. Supporting each other and changing the culture within the field is crucial for attracting more women to AI and creating a more inclusive environment.

Pressing Issues in AI:
As AI evolves rapidly, Korhonen highlights the need to address pressing issues. Most of the effort thus far has been focused on scaling through massive data and computation, with little thought given to how the technology should best serve humanity. Concerns about the safety, trustworthiness, and impact of AI on jobs, democracy, and the environment are valid. Urgently putting human needs and safety at the center of AI development is paramount.

Awareness for AI Users:
While AI technology may seem highly advanced, it still lacks the world knowledge and understanding of complex social contexts that humans possess. Even the best AI systems make mistakes, and our ability to prevent or predict those mistakes is limited. Users should be aware that while AI can be a useful tool, important decisions should still be made by humans. Maintaining human control is essential.

Building AI Responsibly:
Korhonen emphasizes that ethics should be considered at the outset of AI development, not as an afterthought. Questions about diversity in development teams, representative data, and robust techniques should be addressed early on. Education can help address these issues, but regulation is necessary to enforce responsible AI development. The development of national and global AI regulations is crucial to ensure safer and more trustworthy technologies.

Investing in Responsible AI:
Investors can play a role in promoting responsible AI by considering it as sustainable AI worth investing in. As AI regulations continue to emerge, companies will ultimately need to comply. Responsible AI aligns with long-term sustainability and can lead to more successful investments in the field.

Anna Korhonen’s work in natural language processing and her dedication to developing AI that improves human lives highlight the positive potential of this technology. While challenges exist in the male-dominated tech industry, efforts to achieve better gender balance and prioritize ethics are crucial. By addressing pressing issues and building AI responsibly, we can ensure that AI serves humanity’s needs and remains a useful tool under human control.

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