
Apple Introduces New Path for App Recognition and Promotion

Apple is making changes to the App Store that will give developers a new way to promote their apps and get them recognized by the Editorial team. During the WWDC 2024 event, Apple announced an update that will allow developers to alert the App Store’s Editorial team about their app’s new content or features ahead of its release. This update, called “Featuring Nominations,” will be available in September alongside the release of iOS 18.

Currently, the App Store’s Editorial team creates stories about apps and compiles collections of interesting apps to highlight across various sections of the App Store. However, there was no formal process for developers to notify the Editorial team about upcoming changes that could potentially make their app eligible for recognition. With the introduction of Featuring Nominations, developers will now have a direct way to share their plans with Apple.

Developers can create their nominations through a new Nominations dashboard in App Store Connect. They can either submit nominations one by one or upload a spreadsheet to nominate multiple apps at once. Apple recommends using a memorable name for the nomination that clearly describes the app’s new content or feature. Developers can alert editors to three different types of updates: new content, app enhancements, or new app launches.

In addition to the update’s name, developers are encouraged to include a text description that provides relevant details about the update and its expected publish date. There is also a field called “Helpful Details,” where developers can offer additional information that they think would be useful for editors reviewing their submission. This could include the developer’s story, insights into how they created the app, or details about the app’s accessibility or inclusivity features.

To keep developers informed about the status of their submissions, Apple will send push notifications through App Store Connect. If the Editorial team chooses to feature an app on the App Store, developers will receive a notification and be directed to a page with Promote Your App marketing assets. These assets are specifically designed for developers to share the news about their app’s feature on social media.

Furthermore, Apple will provide marketing material for other significant moments in an app’s lifecycle, such as its initial launch or the rollout of a new feature or version. This support from Apple will help developers maximize their app’s visibility and reach.

Alongside the App Store update, Apple also announced improvements to TestFlight, its pre-launch app testing platform. TestFlight will receive a fresh redesign, featuring panels for beta descriptions, developer information, categories, and build expiration dates. One notable enhancement is the ability for developers to set criteria to filter for specific types of testers. This allows developers to target their TestFlight builds only to users who meet certain requirements, such as having specific devices or running a particular iOS version.

Additionally, Apple is now allowing developers to create deep links to custom product pages for their apps. These custom links can be used for advertising purposes, such as Apple Search Ads or on social media platforms. This feature gives developers more flexibility in promoting their apps and directing users to specific features or promotions.

Overall, these updates demonstrate Apple’s commitment to supporting developers and helping them succeed in the competitive app market. By providing a formal process for developers to share their app updates and offering marketing assets for promotion, Apple is empowering developers to have a greater impact on the visibility and success of their apps. These changes, combined with the improvements to TestFlight and the ability to create custom product pages, will undoubtedly benefit developers as they strive to reach a wider audience and make their apps stand out. With iOS 18 set to release later this fall, developers have something to look forward to in terms of enhancing their app development and promotion efforts.