Home Tech Apple Maps: Now Available on Web Browsers for Apple Users

Apple Maps: Now Available on Web Browsers for Apple Users

Apple Maps Expands to Web Browsers, but with Limited Features

Apple Maps, the popular navigation app, has now made its way to web browsers, allowing users to access it from any browser window. Previously available as a standalone desktop app on Macs, this expansion to web browsers opens up new possibilities for Apple users. Although it is currently in beta, the web version of Apple Maps can be accessed at https://beta.maps.apple.com/. However, it is important to note that many of the features available in the desktop app are missing in the browser version.

The interface of Apple Maps on the web is relatively sparse, offering only Search, Guides, and Directions. Additionally, the data layers available are limited to Standard, Hybrid, and Satellite views. Users will not have access to the 3D toggle and Apple’s Look Around function, which are available in the desktop app. Despite these limitations, Apple has promised that additional features, including Look Around, will be added to the web version in the coming months.

Currently, Apple Maps on the web is compatible with Safari and Chrome on Mac and iPad, as well as Chrome and Edge on Windows PCs. However, it is only available in English at the moment. Apple has reassured users that support for additional languages, browsers, and platforms will be added over time.

While the expansion of Apple Maps to web browsers may not be a groundbreaking development for Apple users who already have access to the desktop app, it does offer convenience and accessibility for those who prefer to use their browsers for navigation. It also aligns with Apple’s strategy of integrating its services across different devices and platforms.

In conclusion, the introduction of Apple Maps to web browsers is a promising step forward for the navigation app. Although the current version is limited in features, Apple’s commitment to adding more functionality in the future indicates that they are invested in improving the web experience for their users.

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