
“Apple Store Workers in Oklahoma Reach Tentative Agreement After Two-Year Unionization Effort”

**Apple Store Workers in Oklahoma Reach Tentative Agreement After Two Years of Negotiation**

Apple Store workers at the Penn Square Mall in Oklahoma have finally reached a tentative agreement with the tech giant after two years of negotiations. The agreement, which was announced on Friday, includes a wage increase of up to 11.5 percent over three years, as well as paid time off and job protection. This is a significant victory for the workers who voted to form a union with the Communication Workers of America (CWA) in 2022, making it the second Apple Store to unionize.

**The Significance of the Agreement**

The tentative agreement between Apple and its workers in Oklahoma is a significant milestone in the ongoing movement towards unionization in the tech industry. It demonstrates the growing recognition among workers that collective bargaining is essential for securing fair wages, protections, and benefits. The fact that Apple, one of the world’s most profitable corporations, has agreed to these terms is a testament to the power of organized labor.

**The Impact on Apple Retail Stores**

The Apple Store workers’ unionization efforts have shed light on the profitability of Apple retail stores. According to Kirsten Matson, a member of the Apple Retail Union-CWA, Apple stores are the most profitable retail stores per square foot across any industry. This highlights the importance of fair compensation for the employees who contribute to Apple’s success. With this agreement, Apple retail workers in Oklahoma will finally earn their fair share for their hard work.

**The Unionization Movement in the Tech Industry**

The unionization of Apple Store workers in Oklahoma is part of a broader trend of workers in the tech industry seeking to organize. In 2022, the Towson Town Center Apple Store in Maryland became the first Apple Store to unionize. This was followed by unionization efforts at the Grand Central Apple Store in New York City and the Cumberland Mall Apple Store outside of Atlanta. However, only the Oklahoma and Maryland stores were successful in their unionization efforts.

**The Importance of Collective Bargaining in the Tech Industry**

The unionization of Apple Store workers in Oklahoma sends a powerful message to the tech industry as a whole. It demonstrates that workers in this sector are demanding fair treatment, better working conditions, and a voice in their workplaces. The agreement reached between Apple and its workers sets a precedent for other tech companies to consider the benefits of collective bargaining and the importance of valuing their employees.


The tentative agreement between Apple and its workers in Oklahoma is a significant milestone in the ongoing movement towards unionization in the tech industry. It highlights the power of collective bargaining in securing fair wages, protections, and benefits for workers. The unionization of Apple Store workers not only benefits the employees themselves but also sends a message to the tech industry as a whole. It is a reminder that workers deserve to be treated fairly and have a say in their workplaces, regardless of the company’s profitability. This agreement sets a precedent for other tech companies to consider the value of collective bargaining and the importance of prioritizing the well-being of their employees.