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Apple Vision Pro Sales Tank: A Closer Look at the Disappointing Performance of Apple’s AR/VR Headset

Apple’s foray into the AR/VR headset market with the Apple Vision Pro hasn’t gone as smoothly as anticipated. The initial excitement surrounding the product quickly fizzled out, and now it seems that the headset simply isn’t selling. Prominent analyst Ming-Chi Kuo reveals that Apple has lowered its shipment expectations for 2024 to 400,000 to 450,000 units, a significant decrease from the original projection of up to 800,000 units.

One possible reason for the lackluster sales is the high price point of $3,499. This hefty price tag significantly limits the potential consumer base for the Apple Vision Pro, as most consumers are not willing to invest thousands of dollars in a head-mounted display. Moreover, launching a new product in the emerging market of AR/VR headsets is inherently risky. The novelty of the technology and the relatively nascent nature of the product category may have contributed to the lukewarm response.

Interestingly, the online buzz surrounding the Apple Vision Pro quickly died down after its release. Google Trends data confirms a sharp decline in general interest following the launch, with no signs of recovery. This sudden loss of momentum could be attributed to a combination of factors, including the high price, limited consumer appeal, and perhaps even underwhelming performance compared to consumer expectations.

There were also visible signs of trouble at the Apple Vision Pro launch event attended by Mashable. While there were initial lines outside the 5th Avenue Apple Store in Manhattan, they dissipated quickly, indicating a lack of sustained enthusiasm. Furthermore, many attendees were merely interested in trying out the headset without any intention of making a purchase. These observations align with the declining interest in the product and suggest that even die-hard Apple fans may not be fully sold on the Apple Vision Pro.

Looking ahead, it remains uncertain what Apple’s next move will be in the AR/VR headset market. Kuo’s previous prediction of a new Apple Vision Pro model in 2025 is now in doubt. Apple may need to reassess its strategy and make significant adjustments to regain momentum in this competitive space. Lowering the price point and addressing any performance issues could be potential solutions, but it remains to be seen how Apple will navigate this challenging landscape.

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