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Automating Repetitive Tasks for Small Businesses: Synthflow Raises $7.4M in Seed Funding for AI Voice Assistance

Synthflow, a Berlin-based startup, has secured $7.4 million in seed funding for its no-code platform for AI voice assistance. The platform aims to automate repetitive tasks for small businesses, allowing them to increase productivity and efficiency. With a total funding of $9.1 million since its inception in 2023, Synthflow has demonstrated ongoing investor enthusiasm for generative AI applications.

The startup boasts almost 1,000 customers and has experienced double-digit monthly growth rates since its launch in December 2023. This indicates a strong interest among small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in adopting generative AI tools that offer easy-to-reach productivity gains.

The new funding will be allocated to research and development, with the goal of expanding the product’s utility and attracting a wider range of SMEs. Synthflow CEO and co-founder Hakob Astabatsyan emphasizes the team’s understanding of customer needs, stating that they have many ideas to enhance the platform.

Synthflow initially focused on English-language call handling due to its largest markets being English-speaking. However, the startup has since added German and French language versions, indicating its intention to target European markets.

The startup differentiates itself by targeting service industry-focused SMEs directly, offering a DIY “no code” solution. Astabatsyan highlights the benefits of automating core tasks like appointment scheduling, which can lead to immediate return on investment for resource-strapped businesses. By utilizing AI voice assistance, SMEs can handle basic customer inquiries more efficiently, potentially revolutionizing their operations.

Synthflow’s interface allows customers to design voice agents that perform specific tasks through a drag-and-drop system. This user-friendly approach makes AI technology accessible to non-technical users, empowering business owners to explore the potential of generative AI for their businesses.

Voice AIs can handle tasks such as appointment scheduling, running through FAQs, and information extraction. Astabatsyan emphasizes the importance of disclosing that the assistant is virtual, ensuring transparency and building trust with customers.

Another key advantage of voice AIs is their ability to recognize when a call needs to be transferred to a human agent. By automating simple requests, AI can filter inbound calls based on complexity, freeing up human agents to focus on more complex customer inquiries. Astabatsyan emphasizes that the goal is not to replace human jobs but rather to enhance productivity and efficiency.

In addition to deploying voice agents, Synthflow’s system handles post-call data entry tasks, such as adding appointments to a calendar tool. The startup also plans to integrate with third-party software, further expanding its functionality.

Synthflow utilizes OpenAI’s GPT LLM as a foundation but incorporates its own AI models for specific customer use-cases. The startup has developed its own “voice orchestration layer” to convert speech into text and vice versa during calls.

While Synthflow initially focuses on inbound calls, it is already working on more sophisticated capabilities. The startup aims to enable its voice AIs to perform live actions and connections, such as checking live inventory or pulling in requested information during a call.

Astabatsyan envisions a future where task-focused AI voice systems collaborate, handing off calls to dedicated voice AIs trained for different tasks. He emphasizes the importance of understanding customers’ needs, as different sectors require tailored solutions.

The potential productivity gains from voice AIs may lead to an increase in workload for SMEs. Astabatsyan raises the question of how businesses will channel this unleashed capacity and redistribute human resources in other sectors of the economy.

Synthflow’s seed funding is led by Singular, with participation from existing investor Atlantic Labs and several investors specializing in AI. The funding will fuel further research and development efforts, allowing the startup to continue expanding its platform’s capabilities and reach more SMEs.

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