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“Ben Kvalo Launches Midwest Games to Support Growing Game Development Community in Wisconsin”

Reviving the Game Industry in the Midwest: The Story of Midwest Games

Ben Kvalo, a former employee of Netflix, has taken a leap of faith by starting his own company, Midwest Games, in Green Bay, Wisconsin. Kvalo noticed a growing community of game developers in the Midwest and identified a gap in the industry that needed to be filled. Many talented individuals from the region had been forced to leave their home states due to a lack of opportunities. Kvalo saw the potential for growth and decided to create a groundswell of support for the game development industry in the region.

One of the key developments in the Midwest game industry is the emergence of a hub in Madison, Wisconsin. Companies such as Raven Software, Respawn, PUBG, Zenimax Online, Lost Boys Interactive, and PerBlue have all set up shop within a 15-mile radius, primarily focusing on live services titles. This concentration of talent and resources has laid the foundation for further growth in the region.

Kvalo’s goal is to attract more investment to the state and create opportunities for game developers. He is working with the Entertainment Software Industry to secure a 30% video game development tax incentive in Wisconsin. Additionally, Midwest Games is partnering with universities and incubators to nurture and support talent in the region.

The Midwest offers several advantages for game developers, including lower costs compared to other regions in the U.S. The money invested in game development goes further, and there are established game development programs in various universities. However, the talent has often been forced to move to the West Coast to pursue their careers, resulting in a brain drain from the Midwest.

Midwest Games aims to balance its portfolio across different genres and categories while showcasing talent from underserved regions. Kvalo believes that representing diverse perspectives is crucial for creating entertainment that resonates with a global audience. By prioritizing diversity in their hiring process, Midwest Games hopes to bring different voices and experiences to the industry.

Although the game industry has experienced layoffs in recent years, Kvalo remains optimistic about the future. He believes that the industry needs to adopt a more sustainable mindset to avoid similar setbacks in the future. Midwest Games focuses on providing services for game developers, such as marketing, localization, and quality assurance.

Midwest Games has already released several titles, including The Lullaby of Life, Duck Paradox, and Hive Jump 2: Survivors. They have signed up ten games with nine different developers and have plans to launch a deckbuilding RPG called Dark Sky next month.

Overall, Midwest Games is dedicated to revitalizing the game industry in the Midwest and creating opportunities for talented developers in the region. Through partnerships, tax incentives, and a focus on diversity, they aim to put the Midwest on the map as a thriving game development hub.

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