
Bethesda Game Studios Workers Vote to Join Union, Forming First Wall-to-Wall Union at Microsoft Studio

blankBethesda Game Studios, known for creating popular games like Elder Scrolls, Fallout, and Starfield, has made history by becoming the first Microsoft video game studio to form a union. The workers, made up of 241 developers, artists, engineers, programmers, and designers, have voted to join the Communications Workers of America (CWA) and have received recognition from Microsoft.

This move comes as part of a growing trend in the video game industry, where workers are increasingly organizing to improve their working conditions. The formation of unions in an industry that was once seen as hostile to worker organizing marks a significant shift and shows that workers across the industry are recognizing the benefits of collective bargaining.

The employees at Bethesda Game Studios will now be members of CWA Locals 2108 in Maryland and 6215 in Texas, joining other CWA members at companies like Sega of America, Activision Blizzard, ZeniMax, and Tender Claws. This collective action is a powerful statement that workers in the video game industry are committed to raising standards and securing better working conditions for all.

In a statement, Mandi Parker, a senior system designer and member of CWA, expressed excitement about the union’s formation and the opportunity to negotiate a fair contract. She emphasized the importance of bringing democracy into the workplace and securing a protected voice on the job.

Microsoft has shown support for its employees’ right to choose representation and has committed to engaging in good faith negotiations with the CWA. This is a positive step forward for the company and the industry as a whole, as it demonstrates a willingness to work collaboratively with employees to improve their working conditions.

The formation of the union at Bethesda Game Studios in Montreal is also underway, with workers filing for union recognition with the Quebec Labor Relations Board. Once the process is complete, these workers will be represented by CWA Canada.

The formation of unions in the video game industry is part of a larger movement called the Campaign to Organize Digital Employees (CODE-CWA). This network of worker-organizers and their staff aims to build the voice and power necessary to ensure the future of the tech, game, and digital industries in the United States and Canada. Through collective action, these workers are advocating for fair treatment and better working conditions in their respective industries.

The formation of a union at Bethesda Game Studios is a significant milestone for the video game industry. It highlights the growing recognition among workers that collective bargaining is a powerful tool for improving their working conditions. By joining together and securing a protected voice on the job, workers can negotiate better terms and raise standards across the industry. The support from Microsoft and the CWA demonstrates a commitment to creating a brighter future for all workers in the video game industry.