
Beware of AI Scams: Voice Cloning, Email Spam, Identity Fraud, and Deepfakes

How AI is Supercharging Scams and How to Protect Yourself

With the advancements in AI technology, it has become easier and cheaper for scammers to carry out their malicious activities. AI can be used to generate realistic media, from text to audio to images and video, that can be utilized in scams. In this article, we will discuss some of the most common ways in which AI is being used to supercharge scams and provide tips on how to protect yourself.

## Voice Cloning of Family and Friends

One of the most concerning ways in which AI is being used for scams is through voice cloning. Recent developments in voice synthesis technology allow scammers to create convincing fake versions of loved ones or friends. They can make a voice clip asking for help, such as claiming their belongings were stolen while traveling and requesting money.

Even President Biden’s voice has been cloned for scams. It’s important to be cautious when receiving requests for help from unknown numbers or email addresses. Instead of immediately responding, contact the person directly through their known contact information to verify their request. Scammers tend not to follow up if they are ignored, while a genuine family member will persist.

## Personalized Phishing and Spam via Email and Messaging

AI-powered text generation has made it possible for scammers to send mass emails customized to each individual. By using personal data obtained from data breaches, scammers can create emails that appear genuine and tailored to the recipient’s recent locations, purchases, and habits. This customization makes it more difficult to identify these emails as spam.

Vigilance is crucial in combating email spam. It’s becoming increasingly difficult to differentiate between text generated by AI and human-written text. Therefore, it’s important not to click on any suspicious attachments or links unless you are 100% certain of the authenticity and identity of the sender. If you have any doubts, it’s advisable to seek a second opinion from someone knowledgeable before taking any action.

## ‘Fake You’ Identity and Verification Fraud

The abundance of personal data available online, combined with AI technology, poses a serious threat in terms of identity fraud. Scammers can create AI personas that sound like the target person and have access to personal facts used to verify identity. They can exploit this information when contacting customer service, posing as the victim and gaining access to their accounts.

To protect yourself against identity fraud, it’s important to follow cybersecurity best practices. Utilize multi-factor authentication for your accounts to receive alerts and notifications for any suspicious activity. Take warnings seriously and don’t mark them as spam, especially if you receive a high volume of such warnings. Additionally, be cautious when providing personal information over the phone or online, even if the person seems legitimate.

## AI-Generated Deepfakes and Blackmail

The emergence of AI-generated deepfake images has opened up a new realm of blackmail scams. Scammers can create realistic-looking images by attaching someone’s face to an AI-generated body. These fake images can be used to extort money from victims by threatening to release them publicly.

Fighting against AI-generated deepfakes is challenging but not impossible. It’s important to remember that these images are not real and lack distinguishing marks. While the threat may never completely disappear, there are legal and private means available for victims to combat this issue. Victims can legally request image hosts to take down pictures or report scammers to websites where they post.

If you become a victim of deepfake blackmail, it’s essential to report the incident to the police. While tracking down the perpetrators may be difficult, these cases can sometimes be resolved, or scammers may be deterred by requests sent to their internet service provider or forum host.

In conclusion, AI has undoubtedly made scams more sophisticated and convincing. However, by staying vigilant, following cybersecurity best practices, and seeking appropriate action when necessary, individuals can protect themselves against these AI-powered scams.