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Beware of Facebook Ads Promoting AI Tools: Scammers Exploit Trend to Spread Malware

The rise of generative AI has brought about an influx of new AI tools that promise to revolutionize various aspects of our lives. However, not all of these tools are legitimate or safe to use. In fact, the current AI trend has made potential AI consumers particularly vulnerable to hackers and scammers.

A recent report from Trend Micro sheds light on how bad actors are exploiting Facebook ads to deceive AI users into downloading malware disguised as AI photo editing tools. This is not a new tactic, as criminals have previously used hacked Facebook pages to scam unsuspecting victims. They would advertise products they never intended to send and rebrand stolen pages to resemble official accounts from reputable companies like Google and Meta.

Now, scammers are taking advantage of the AI hype by posing as AI image-editing tools. The process begins with basic phishing campaigns, where scammers trick page owners into revealing their login credentials. Once they gain access to an established account, they rebrand the Facebook page as an AI photo editing tool. In the case studied by Trend Micro, scammers posed as Evoto, a genuine AI photo editing tool.

After rebranding the stolen pages as Evoto, the scammers start running paid Facebook ads through these pages. Users are directed to a fake website where they can supposedly download the AI photo editing tool. However, instead of obtaining AI software, victims unknowingly download endpoint management software, which grants the attacker remote access to their device. This allows the hacker to steal login credentials and other sensitive data.

The prevalence of these scams highlights the need for caution when encountering unknown downloadable software promoted through advertisements on social media platforms. Users must be vigilant and skeptical, as these ads could very well be malware in disguise. It’s essential to verify the legitimacy of the software and the source before downloading anything.

As AI continues to evolve and gain popularity, it’s crucial to stay informed about potential risks and scams. By being aware of these tactics, users can protect themselves from falling victim to malicious actors.

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