
“Black Bears Wreak Havoc in Growing Connecticut Population: Car Torn Apart, Woman Bitten, and More”

#Growing Bear Population in Connecticut

Over the past few decades, Connecticut has seen a significant increase in its black bear population. The state’s Department of Energy and Environmental Protection has reported three recent incidents involving bears, highlighting the growing phenomenon.

In Winsted, a town in the northwest corner of Connecticut, a car owner found themselves in a startling situation. They discovered an adult black bear and its cub trapped inside their vehicle. The bears were thrashing about, causing chaos with the blaring horn and blasting radio. Fortunately, state environmental conservation police arrived and opened a door, allowing the bears to flee into the safety of the woods. However, the car’s interior was left in ruins.

This incident is not an isolated case. Connecticut has witnessed an increase in bear-related encounters, including bears entering cars, trash bins, and even homes. Bears have become more audacious, causing damage and wreaking havoc in various towns across the state.

#Bear Attacks and Other Incidents

In addition to bears breaking into cars, there have been reports of bear attacks on humans in Connecticut. While these attacks have been non-fatal, they highlight the potential dangers posed by an increasing bear population. State officials have also noted a rise in the number of bears entering homes, leading to concerns for public safety.

Last month, a woman in Cheshire reported being bitten by a black bear in her own backyard. Although she suffered minor injuries and declined medical treatment, the bear responsible for the attack was euthanized and taken for testing. This incident serves as a reminder of the need for caution and awareness when encountering bears in residential areas.

#Increasing Bear Sightings and Encounters

Connecticut’s black bear population began returning in the 1980s, and their numbers have steadily grown since then. It is now estimated that there are between 1,000 to 1,200 bears in the state, with sightings reported in all 169 towns. However, the majority of bear sightings and encounters are concentrated in the northwestern corner of the state.

Incidents like the one in Winsted and the bear attack in Cheshire emphasize the importance of taking precautions to prevent bear-human conflicts. Ethan Van Ness, a senior adviser at the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection, advises residents to keep their car doors locked and avoid providing easy access to human-sourced food for bears in their area.


Connecticut’s increasing black bear population is a cause for concern, as demonstrated by recent incidents involving bears in unexpected places. Bears breaking into cars and homes, as well as non-fatal bear attacks on humans, highlight the need for residents to be vigilant and take necessary precautions. As the bear population continues to grow, it is crucial for both individuals and state officials to work together to minimize conflicts and ensure the safety of both humans and bears in Connecticut.