
Black Girl Gamers Announces Lineup and Date for 2024 Online Summit

blankBlack Girl Gamers has announced more details about its upcoming 2024 Online Summit, which will be held on August 3 and hosted on RingCentral. The organization, which first held its Online Summit in 2020 with Twitch as a sponsor, plans to focus on four main topics during the event.

The first topic is Equity & Access, which aims to move beyond basic diversity conversations and address the industry’s current needs. This is a crucial area to explore, as the gaming industry still has a long way to go in terms of inclusivity and equal opportunities.

The second topic is Impact & Innovation, which will examine how gaming influences mainstream culture and intersects with non-endemic brands and media. This highlights the significant role that gaming plays in shaping popular culture and its potential for collaboration with other industries.

Culture & Authenticity is the third topic, led by Black and POC (People of Color) industry professionals. This panel will provide nuanced advice and actionable guidance to viewers, emphasizing the importance of diverse voices and perspectives in the gaming industry.

Lastly, Advocacy & Allyship will educate allies on effective ways to support underrepresented communities. This is an essential aspect of creating a more inclusive gaming community, as allies have the power to amplify marginalized voices and drive meaningful change.

The confirmed speakers for the Black Girl Gamers Online Summit include notable figures such as Dr. Rachel Kowert, Research Director at Take This, Elaine Gomez, Vice President of Latinx in Gaming, and Dr. Akil Fletcher from Princeton University. Other speakers include Jessica Murrey, Co-Founder and CEO of Wicked Saints Studios, Niles Seymour-Heron, Head of Strategy at Verse and Hook, Kishonna Gray from the University of Kentucky, and Olivier Nourry, Chief Accessibility Officer of Games Accessibility Hub.

Jay-Ann Lopez, the founder and CEO of Black Girl Gamers, expressed the importance of this Online Summit in light of the challenges currently facing the gaming industry. She highlighted the need for candid and much-needed conversations, especially in the wake of layoffs, diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) cutbacks, and the resurgence of GamerGate. By creating a space for industry professionals, aspiring professionals, and gaming enthusiasts, Black Girl Gamers aims to foster dialogue and drive positive change within the industry.

In conclusion, the Black Girl Gamers Online Summit promises to be a significant event for the gaming industry, addressing important topics and featuring a diverse range of speakers. It provides an opportunity for individuals to engage in meaningful conversations and work towards a more inclusive and equitable future for the gaming community.