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“BMW CEO Calls for Accelerated Roll-Out of E-Fuels in Response to EU’s Plan to Ban Combustion-Engined Cars in 2035”

BMW CEO Oliver Zipse has expressed his disagreement with the European Union’s plan to ban the sale of new combustion-engined cars in 2035. Zipse believes that this approach is incorrect and instead suggests accelerating the production and availability of e-fuels. Under the current legislation, the EU will allow the sale of combustion engines if they are run solely on carbon-neutral fuels like e-fuels. However, Zipse argues that the limited availability of e-fuels is a significant obstacle to their viability. The production of e-fuels requires a large amount of energy, as it involves the use of ‘green’ hydrogen produced through electrolysis using renewable electricity. The production of all industrial hydrogen output from electricity would create an electricity demand greater than the EU’s entire energy production in 2022. This energy could be better utilized to directly power electric cars. Despite these challenges, e-fuels are considered a viable solution for decarbonizing the existing combustion-engined automotive fleet and for vehicles that are not suitable for battery electrification, such as sports cars and heavy goods vehicles.

While Zipse argues against the 2035 ban on combustion engines, other automakers have invested in e-fuels as a means of reducing carbon emissions. Porsche has heavily invested in e-fuel firm Highly Innovative Fuels (HIF) and operates the Haru Oni plant in Chile, which produces e-methanol for Porsche’s Mobil 1 Supercup race series. Ferrari’s chief, Benedetto Vigna, has also expressed support for carbon-neutral fuels, stating that there is still a valid way forward for internal combustion engine (ICE) cars. Formula 1 is set to make the switch to carbon-neutral fuels in 2026, introducing new technical regulations to facilitate this transition.

Overall, while there are differing opinions on the ban of combustion engines in 2035, the availability and practicality of e-fuels remain crucial factors in achieving carbon neutrality in the automotive industry. While challenges exist in terms of energy demand and production, e-fuels offer a potential solution for decarbonizing existing vehicles and those not suited for battery electrification. Investment and further development in e-fuel technology could play a significant role in the future of sustainable transportation.

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