
Boost AI Performance with FlashAttention-3: Speeding Up Attention Computation on Nvidia Hopper GPUs

blankFlashAttention-3: Revolutionizing Attention Computation in Large Language Models


Attention is a critical component of the transformer architecture used in large language models (LLMs). However, as LLMs grow larger and handle longer input sequences, the computational cost of attention becomes a bottleneck. To address this challenge, a team of researchers from Colfax Research, Meta, Nvidia, Georgia Tech, Princeton University, and Together AI have introduced FlashAttention-3, a groundbreaking technique that significantly speeds up attention computation on Nvidia Hopper GPUs.

The Challenge of Attention Computation in LLMs:

Transformers rely on the attention mechanism to compute the relationship between different tokens in an input sequence. While effective, attention computation is computationally expensive, with the cost growing quadratically as the length of the input sequence increases. This poses a major bottleneck as LLMs are scaled to handle longer sequences. Additionally, GPUs, optimized for matrix multiplication operations, are not as efficient when it comes to attention computations involving special functions like softmax.

Making Better Use of Hardware Resources:

The introduction of FlashAttention in 2022 was a significant breakthrough in attention computation. It reduced memory reads and writes between GPU high bandwidth memory (HBM) and GPU on-chip static random access memory (SRAM) by breaking down computation into smaller chunks called “tiles.” FlashAttention-2 further optimized GPU resources but had limitations with newer H100 GPUs. It only utilized 35% of H100’s maximum capacity.

Introducing FlashAttention-3:

FlashAttention-3 takes full advantage of the features in Nvidia Hopper GPUs to maximize performance. It leverages higher throughput on matrix multiplication operations, faster data transfer across memory segments, and improved efficiency on low-precision operations. FlashAttention-3 introduces innovations such as scheduling operations to maximize overlap between computation and data movement, interleaving matrix multiplication and softmax operations, and a special arrangement of operations for accurate computations in quantized models.

Benefits of FlashAttention-3:

FlashAttention-3 offers several implications for LLM development and applications. It significantly reduces the time required to train LLMs, enabling researchers and developers to experiment with larger models and datasets. It also extends the context window of LLMs, unlocking new applications in long-form document understanding and many-shot in-context learning. Furthermore, by utilizing a higher percentage of GPU capacity, FlashAttention-3 reduces the number of accelerators needed to run LLMs, making production costs more affordable.

Future Integration and Open Source Availability:

The researchers are committed to open collaboration and have open-sourced FlashAttention-3 under a permissive license. They plan to integrate it into popular deep learning libraries like PyTorch and Hugging Face Transformers. This integration will make it easier for researchers and developers to leverage the performance benefits of FlashAttention-3. The team looks forward to optimizing LLM inference on different hardware architectures and unlocking new model capabilities.


FlashAttention-3 represents a significant advancement in attention computation for LLMs. By addressing the computational bottleneck, it enables faster training, extends the context window, and reduces production costs. The open-source availability and planned integration into deep learning libraries ensure that developers and researchers can easily incorporate FlashAttention-3 into their projects. With this groundbreaking technique, the possibilities for large language models are expanding, paving the way for more efficient and powerful AI applications.