
“Breakthrough Technology Shortens Electric Car Charging Times Dramatically”

Revolutionary Battery Technology Could Slash Electric Car Charging Times

Electric cars have long been plagued by the issue of long charging times, making them inconvenient for longer journeys. However, recent developments in battery technology may change that. Storedot, a company that specializes in battery technology, has developed a silicon-dominant lithium-ion battery anode technology known as XFC (extreme fast charge). This technology has the potential to cut charging times by 50% without any additional cost.

In a recent test conducted by Storedot’s technology partner, Polestar, the XFC technology was proven to work not only in the laboratory but also in a full-size battery pack fitted in a driveable car. Using a prototype Polestar 5, engineers set up a test to charge the battery from 10% state of charge (SOC) to 80% within 10 minutes. Surpassing expectations, the technology achieved an 82% charge in the allotted time.

To accommodate the test, a specially commissioned 77kWh battery pack was fitted in the car, with the potential for capacity to be increased to 100kWh. This 10-minute charge time would result in a range increase of approximately 200 miles. These impressive results demonstrate a marked improvement in the charge curve, which is significant for EVs operating on longer trips.

Typically, fast charging rates decrease as the battery’s SOC increases during charging. However, in this test, the charge rate actually increased from 310kW at 10% SOC to over 370kW at 80%. This means that it would be more worthwhile for drivers to stop and quickly charge their vehicles even when the battery is not significantly depleted. For example, a driver plugging in at 50% SOC could reach 80% charge in just five minutes, making it comparable to refueling an internal combustion engine (ICE) car with petrol or diesel.

These ultra-fast charge speeds not only benefit the driver in terms of convenience but also free up chargers more quickly for the next person. Polestar believes this technology to be a world-first, as no additional components were added outside the battery pack, and the test vehicle still had its standard cooling pump and fan. The company expects this battery technology to be incorporated into its production cars within the next two to three years.

Overall, this breakthrough in battery technology has the potential to revolutionize the electric car industry by significantly reducing charging times and improving the convenience of owning and operating an electric vehicle. With advancements like these, the future of electric cars looks promising, addressing one of the major concerns associated with EV adoption.