Home Business Building a Strong Gaming Community: Insights from GamesBeat Summit 2024

Building a Strong Gaming Community: Insights from GamesBeat Summit 2024

Connecting with people and finding a sense of community in the video game industry is more important than ever. At the GamesBeat Summit 2024, influential voices from the gaming community gathered to discuss different ways to achieve this. One of the key points highlighted by Amir Satvat, director of business development at Tencent Games, was the importance of time and empathy in providing meaningful help. Whether it’s dedicating time to help others or supporting colleagues going through a difficult time, these acts of kindness can make a significant difference.

Christina-Marie Drake, a former Naughty Dog recruiter and a leading voice on LinkedIn, shared her personal experience of starting a new group called Moms in Gaming. After losing her job, she also lost access to her network in the company’s child resource group. This led her to create Moms in Gaming, a community of 187 women from various aspects of the gaming industry who connect and support each other. Creating or joining groups like this can be a great way to grow and diversify your network.

Building a reliable network is crucial in today’s hyper-competitive job market. Satvat emphasized the value of having connections within the industry, as it greatly increases one’s chances of finding new opportunities. He started his own website, Amir Satvat’s Games Community, which provides a comprehensive suite of resources for video game job seekers, including job listings. Since its inception, over 1,900 people have found new roles in the industry through this platform.

Remaining relevant in the industry, even when not currently employed, was another topic discussed by the panelists. Drake suggested dedicating some time each day to building your network on LinkedIn, connecting with others in the gaming community, engaging with their posts, and even creating your own content. Alex Gombos, a recruiter and Top Voice on LinkedIn, stressed the importance of giving back to the community. By sharing job search advice and helpful materials, such as interview preparation kits, individuals can stay connected and relevant.

Satvat encouraged individuals not to let anyone tell them they’re not a gamer, even if they don’t work in the industry or have experienced layoffs. He shared his own journey of breaking into the gaming industry in his mid-30s, driven by his passion and determination. Satvat emphasized the importance of staying current by playing games, reading industry news, and networking with people in the industry.

In conclusion, building connections and finding a sense of community is crucial in the video game industry. By dedicating time, showing empathy, and joining or creating groups, individuals can grow their network and support each other. Staying relevant in the industry can be achieved through active engagement on platforms like LinkedIn, creating valuable content, and giving back to the community. Ultimately, with perseverance and a game plan, anyone can break into the gaming industry and find success.

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