
Building Intuition: Navigating the Complexities of AI Integration in Business


The integration of AI in business has become increasingly important, but it comes with its own set of challenges. One of the main hurdles is human perception and expectations of AI, often leading to disappointment when AI fails to meet those expectations. In order to effectively use AI as a tool, it is crucial to have the right intuition and understanding of its capabilities. This article explores the concept of anthropomorphism and the need for better AI literacy and training.

Anthropomorphism and the Challenges of AI:

Humans have a tendency to anthropomorphize objects and give them human-like behaviors. This is becoming more prevalent with AI, where people may say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ to chatbots or praise generative AI when it meets their expectations. However, the real challenge arises when people expect AI to perform complex tasks based on its ability to reason with simple tasks. The polished demos may look magical, but AI is not magic. It is important to manage expectations and understand the limitations of AI.

Defining Intelligence and Reasoning in Machine Learning:

There has always been a poor definition of intelligence, and this becomes even more complicated when applied to AI. The question arises whether certain behaviors exhibited by animals or humans can be considered intelligent. Recently, there has been a discussion about introducing a rubric to describe levels of reasoning in AI. This rubric would help set realistic expectations for AI-powered solutions and provide examples of what is not realistic. Having a clear understanding of what AI can and cannot do is crucial in avoiding disappointment.

Unrealistic Expectations and Disappointment:

Humans tend to be more forgiving of human mistakes compared to AI. Self-driving cars, for example, are statistically safer than humans, but when accidents happen, there is an uproar. This creates a sense of disappointment when AI fails to perform tasks that humans are expected to do. It is important to recognize that machines may fail in ways that humans don’t, but they also surpass humans in other tasks. These unrealistic expectations contribute to the challenges faced by businesses in developing and deploying gen AI projects.

Building Intuition through AI Training:

One of the keys to overcoming the challenges of AI integration is to equip users with better intuition on when and how to use AI. AI training can be divided into three categories: safety, literacy, and readiness. Safety training focuses on using AI securely and avoiding scams. Literacy training helps users understand what AI is and what to expect from it. Readiness training enables users to skillfully leverage AI tools to accomplish work at a higher quality. By providing opportunities for safe interaction with AI tools, users can build the right intuition for success.


Successfully integrating AI in business requires managing expectations and having a clear understanding of its capabilities. Anthropomorphism can lead to unrealistic expectations, and disappointment when those expectations are not met. By defining levels of reasoning in AI and providing examples of what is realistic, stakeholders can have a better understanding of AI’s capabilities. Additionally, providing AI training in safety, literacy, and readiness can help users effectively utilize AI tools. With the right intuition and knowledge, businesses can unlock the full potential of AI and drive project success.