
Building Practical AI Workflows: ServiceNow’s Approach to Generative AI Implementation

ServiceNow, a SaaS company, has embraced generative AI and leveraged the data in its own platform to build business-centric models. The company’s CIO, Chris Bedi, emphasizes the importance of connecting AI models to practical experiences and workflows. By doing so, ServiceNow aims to help individuals complete their work more efficiently. By integrating AI into all its workflows, ServiceNow focuses on three main areas: systematically handling requests, assisting agents in their tasks, and speeding up innovation.

ServiceNow has adopted a unique AI strategy that involves building, buying, and partnering. The company collaborates with various AI partners while also developing its own AI automation capabilities. It combines in-house development with acquisitions to expand its platform. This diverse strategy allows ServiceNow to cater to customers with different levels of AI readiness and provide solutions that align with their capabilities. Financial analyst Arjun Bhatia notes that customers are willing to pay for the new AI capabilities offered by ServiceNow, indicating that they see value in them.

Customers who have implemented ServiceNow’s generative AI capabilities have reported positive results in areas such as ticket deflection, knowledge base summarization, and improved customer experiences. The company has been investing in AI for over five years and is now seeing the returns on that investment. Bedi envisions two approaches to AI: incremental improvements to existing ways of working (mode one) and completely new, AI-driven ways of working (mode two). The latter involves reimagining work processes and determining which tasks can be automated and which ones require human involvement.

ServiceNow has also utilized AI internally to benefit its own employees. The company has developed an AI platform called AI Control Tower, which offers a unified experience for developers building applications in-house. This platform gives engineers the freedom to choose the AI model they prefer without having to manage different requirements based on their choice. ServiceNow manages the models like any other IT object, ensuring operational resilience and measuring their efficacy and adoption.

Overall, ServiceNow aims to move customers towards an AI-focused approach by not only addressing core use cases but also reimagining every aspect of how work is done. The company believes in the collaboration between AI and humans to achieve better outcomes and tackle higher-level tasks. By integrating generative AI into its platform, ServiceNow is well-positioned to provide meaningful solutions to businesses across various industries.