
Catherine Breslin: Paving the Way for Women in AI and Building a Responsible Future

TechCrunch is shining a spotlight on remarkable women who have made significant contributions to the AI revolution. The series of interviews aims to recognize their work and shed light on their achievements. Catherine Breslin, the founder and director of Kingfisher Labs, is one of these remarkable women. With over two decades of experience as an AI scientist, Breslin has worked for prestigious institutions such as Cambridge University, Toshiba Research, and Amazon Alexa.

Getting Started in AI:
Breslin’s journey in AI began during her university years when she studied engineering. It was there that she first encountered the field, although it wasn’t referred to as AI at the time. Fascinated by the idea of using computers for speech and language processing tasks that come naturally to humans, Breslin pursued a PhD in voice technology. Today, she sees a tremendous opportunity to develop technology that can genuinely improve people’s lives.

Proud Work in AI:
In 2020, Breslin founded her consulting company with a mission to provide real-world AI expertise and leadership to organizations. This endeavor allowed her to work on diverse and interesting projects while maintaining a flexible schedule that accommodates her family life. Breslin takes pride in the work she has done with her clients and appreciates the ability to balance professional success with personal commitments.

Navigating Male-Dominated Industries:
The tech industry, including the AI sector, is predominantly male-dominated. Breslin acknowledges that around 20% of the AI field consists of women, and that percentage decreases as positions become more senior. To navigate these challenges, Breslin emphasizes the importance of building a supportive network. While support can come from individuals of any gender, she finds it reassuring to connect with women who have faced similar situations. Breslin also believes in striking a balance between pushing for change and focusing on personal career advancement, as she recognizes that lasting change requires greater representation of women in leadership roles.

Advice for Women Entering the AI Field:
As AI is a vast and rapidly evolving field, Breslin advises women to find a niche they are genuinely interested in and dedicate themselves to making progress in that area. It’s impossible to keep up with every development, so focusing on a specific domain allows for a solid foundation of knowledge. Breslin also encourages women to tackle problems they are motivated to solve, as this will drive their passion and dedication.

Pressing Issues in AI Evolution:
The progress of AI in the past 15 years has been remarkable, but there is a need to step back and assess the consequences of this advancement properly. Breslin highlights the issue of voice and language technology performing better in English than in other languages. While researchers have made efforts to address non-English language technology, unintended consequences arise when technology is built and rolled out without serving everyone equally. This disparity must be addressed as AI continues to evolve.

Awareness for AI Users:
Breslin emphasizes that AI is not a one-size-fits-all solution and cannot solve all problems within a few years. While it may be easy to create impressive demos, building a reliable and consistent AI system requires significant effort. Additionally, it’s crucial to remember that AI is designed and built by humans, for humans. Being mindful of this fact helps set realistic expectations for AI users.

Responsible AI Building:
Responsibly building AI involves incorporating diverse perspectives from the outset, including those of customers and individuals impacted by the product. Thorough testing is also essential to understand how well systems perform across various scenarios. While testing may be seen as less exciting than developing new algorithms, it plays a critical role in ensuring the effectiveness of AI systems. Finally, there must be transparency about both the capabilities and limitations of AI systems to prevent misuse.

Investors’ Role in Promoting Responsible AI:
Investors play a significant role in funding startups that develop AI applications. Breslin believes that investors should be thoughtful in their choices and vocal about their vision for the future. By actively promoting responsible AI, investors can contribute to a more ethical and inclusive AI landscape.