
Classic Car Restored by Make-A-Wish Foundation Recovered Two Weeks After Theft in Michigan

The Make-A-Wish Foundation is known for its incredible work in granting wishes to children with life-threatening medical conditions. In this heartwarming story, the organization played a pivotal role in helping a young man named Joshua Agnello restore his beloved 1968 Ford Galaxie. However, the journey took an unexpected turn when the car was stolen from the side of a Michigan highway.

The theft occurred on May 22 when Joshua experienced a tire blowout while driving on Interstate 496 in Lansing. Following safety protocol, he pulled off the highway and left the vehicle, planning to return after arranging for assistance. Unfortunately, when he came back just two hours later, the car had vanished.

The stolen car held significant sentimental value for Joshua and his family. They had owned it since 1991, and Joshua had personally restored it 18 years ago with the assistance of the Make-A-Wish Foundation. Joshua has been battling cystic fibrosis, and the foundation played a vital role in making his dream of restoring a classic car come true. The Galaxie held immense sentimental importance, representing not only Joshua’s passion for cars but also the hope and strength he embodied in his fight against his medical condition.

The theft left the Agnello family devastated and desperate to recover their cherished vehicle. Thankfully, a tip led the police to discover the stolen car in a yard located in Vevay Township, thanks to the efforts of the Ingham County sheriff’s office. The authorities were thrilled to be able to assist in the recovery of the stolen vehicle, stating that they were “elated to play a small part” in returning the car to its rightful owner.

While the recovery was undoubtedly a moment of triumph for the Agnello family, there was some damage caused by the thieves’ attempt to break into the vehicle. Rachel Agnello took to Facebook to express her gratitude and relief, stating, “There is some bad in this world, but the good in this world conquered this time!!” Despite the minimal damage inflicted, the fact that the vehicle was recovered intact was a significant victory.

In conclusion, the recovery of Joshua Agnello’s stolen 1968 Ford Galaxie is a testament to the power of unity and hope. The support of the Make-A-Wish Foundation in granting Joshua’s wish to restore a classic car and the relentless efforts of the Ingham County sheriff’s office in recovering the stolen vehicle both highlight the resilience and goodness present in our society. This story serves as a reminder that even in the face of adversity, there are always individuals and organizations willing to go above and beyond to make a positive difference.