
Cuba’s Transition to Electric Scooters: a Solution to Fuel Shortages and Transportation Woes

Electric Scooters: Transforming Cuba’s Transportation Landscape

Havana, known for its vintage cars, is witnessing a new trend on its streets. Electric scooters, made with Chinese parts, have become a common sight, offering Cubans a quick and quiet mode of transport. This article explores how electric vehicles are solving transportation problems in Cuba, with an emphasis on their increasing popularity and the benefits they bring to the communist-run nation.

The Rise of Electric Vehicles in Cuba:
Cuba has seen a significant rise in the production of electric vehicles in recent years. From 2020 to 2022, Cuba-based companies produced over 23,000 electric vehicles, according to official data. This trend has continued to grow as the country faces an economic crisis that has resulted in fuel shortages and a decline in public transportation options.

Addressing Fuel Shortages:
Fuel scarcity has long been an issue in Cuba, leading to lengthy queues and exorbitant prices. A recent five-fold increase in fuel prices has made it even more challenging for the average Cuban citizen to afford gasoline. With electric vehicles, Cubans can bypass these challenges and enjoy a more cost-effective and sustainable mode of transportation.

Improving Public Transportation:
Cuba’s public transportation system has suffered due to fuel shortages and limited resources. Buses in Havana have become fewer, more crowded, and uncomfortable compared to previous years. Moreover, half of the routes to areas outside the capital have been eliminated. These circumstances have driven the demand for electric vehicles as an alternative means of transportation.

Enter Caribbean Electric Vehicles (Vedca):
Caribbean Electric Vehicles (Vedca), a joint venture between Chinese investor Tianjin Dongxing Industrial and Cuban state bicycle manufacturer Minerva, has played a significant role in meeting the growing demand for electric scooters, bikes, and mini-tricycle trucks in Cuba. The company has produced over 2,000 vehicles using Chinese parts. Vedca’s director, Julio Oscar Perez, believes that Cuba is at a tipping point where electric vehicles are not only seen as an alternative but also as a solution to other problems caused by fuel limitations.

Vedca’s Impact and Future Endeavors:
A visit to Vedca’s plant outside Havana reveals the company’s commitment to manufacturing electric vehicles. With 64 employees working diligently on assembly lines and providing customer service, Vedca is expanding its offerings beyond scooters and bikes. The company is now testing electric tractors and exploring the potential of electric-powered heavy machinery. Furthermore, the Cuban government has recently authorized the import of more expensive electric vehicles, including Teslas, although they remain out of reach for most Cubans.

The Way Forward:
For Cubans like Omar Cortina, the convenience of electric scooters is enough of a selling point. Cortina predicts that in a few years, all transportation in Cuba will be electric. With the ongoing advancements in electric vehicle technology and the increasing availability of affordable options, this vision may well become a reality.

Electric vehicles are revolutionizing transportation in Cuba, offering a solution to fuel scarcity and improving mobility options for the Cuban people. Companies like Vedca are at the forefront of this movement, producing electric scooters, bikes, and mini-tricycle trucks with Chinese parts. As Cuba embraces electric vehicles, it is poised to create a greener and more efficient transportation system that benefits both its citizens and the environment.