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Dar’shun Kendrick: Balancing AI Innovation and Ethics in Policy and Investment | TechCrunch


TechCrunch is highlighting remarkable women who have made significant contributions to the field of artificial intelligence (AI). In this series of interviews, the focus is on giving AI-focused women academics and others the recognition they deserve. This article explores an interview with Dar’shun Kendrick, a member of the Georgia House of Representatives and an attorney with a background in policy, equity, and technology.

Dar’shun Kendrick’s Start in AI and Attraction to the Field:

Dar’shun Kendrick’s involvement in the tech industry as a securities attorney exposed her to the latest technologies and capital raises. The interesting balance between making life easier for people through AI while ensuring it doesn’t disrupt democracy and what makes us human attracted Kendrick to the field. She also finds it fascinating that VCs and founders in the AI space are raising more investor capital compared to other subsets of tech.

Kendrick’s Proud Work in the AI Field:

During the last legislative session of the Georgia General Assembly, Kendrick served on a small AI subcommittee that passed legislation related to the upcoming election and addressing political campaigns’ use of “deepfakes” to sway elections. She is proud that Georgia has started having these conversations and recognizes that government often lags behind in catching up with emerging technologies.

Navigating the Male-Dominated Tech and AI Industry:

Kendrick’s approach to navigating male-dominated industries is simple but effective: show up. By attending events, conferences, and discussions where women are not traditionally expected, she breaks into these industries. Additionally, she emphasizes the importance of having knowledge and providing value in these spaces.

Advice for Women Entering the AI Field:

Kendrick advises women to produce and be visionaries in developing new AI products that make lives easier, leveraging their multitasking abilities. She encourages women to continue learning and staying updated on technology trends by listening to YouTube videos and subscribing to email newsletters on the subject.

Pressing Issues Facing AI as it Evolves:

Kendrick identifies fraud as a significant concern with the evolution of AI. As with any new technology, there will always be individuals who find ways to exploit it for malicious purposes. Vulnerable communities, such as the elderly and immigrant populations, are particularly at risk. Privacy is another pressing issue as AI systems gather more information about individuals, increasing the potential for data breaches and hacking. Additionally, Kendrick highlights the need for small businesses and conservative industries to adapt to AI to avoid failure in the fast-paced business landscape.

Issues AI Users Should Be Aware of:

Users should be cautious in sharing information with AI platforms and second-guess everything due to the potential for fraud. It’s important to remember that AI technology is only as reliable as the inputs provided by humans, which can lead to discrimination, such as in job applications.

Responsible AI Building:

Kendrick suggests developing a written ethics framework that focuses on privacy, data security, anti-fraud measures, and addressing discriminatory problems within AI systems. Sharing this framework with the team and adhering to it is crucial in responsibly building AI.

Investors’ Role in Promoting Responsible AI:

Investors can push for responsible AI by holding companies accountable through asking the right questions and requiring a written ethics plan. Kendrick specifically mentions companies focused on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) should have metrics in place to truly back their claims.

Finding Balance between Innovation and Rights:

Kendrick highlights the importance of finding a balance between innovation and individual rights, such as privacy, liberty, due process, and nondiscrimination. It is crucial for the government, private sector, and individuals to understand this balance and take action promptly for the betterment of society.


Dar’shun Kendrick’s interview sheds light on her experiences in the tech and AI industry as a woman and policymaker. Her insights into navigating male-dominated spaces, addressing pressing issues in AI, and promoting responsible AI building provide valuable guidance for women entering the field. Kendrick’s emphasis on finding a balance between innovation and individual rights serves as a reminder of the ethical considerations necessary in the development and use of AI.

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