Home ai “Discover Local Experiences with Bigfoot’s AI Chatbot Littlefoot for Personalized Weekend Plans”

“Discover Local Experiences with Bigfoot’s AI Chatbot Littlefoot for Personalized Weekend Plans”

Bigfoot, a local experiences discovery startup based in California, has launched an AI chatbot called Littlefoot to enhance its weekend planner website. The chatbot aims to provide users with a personalized and conversational interface, allowing them to easily find relevant activities and events in their neighborhood. By engaging with Littlefoot via text, users can prompt the AI to recommend activities such as hiking, dining, and attending concerts. The startup’s mission is to simplify the weekend planning process and encourage people to explore their local area.

While the concept of AI-powered activity planning is not new, Bigfoot believes there is still an opportunity to build a brand around a better weekend activity planning tool that focuses on local leisure. Unlike major platforms that prioritize travel and guided experiences, Bigfoot aims to curate and recommend more interesting and contextually relevant activities for users. The startup has already built a supply pipeline of over 10,000 events, restaurants, nightlife options, and outdoor activities across 160 cities.

The key feature of Littlefoot is its ability to engage in conversation and provide personalized recommendations. The AI chatbot is powered by large language models (LLMs) from companies like Anthropic, OpenAI, and Perplexity. These models enable Littlefoot to access a wide range of curated data sources, including mainstream content from APIs like Google Maps and specialized sources such as hiking blogs. By combining these sources, Littlefoot can offer recommendations that are more unique and tailored to the user’s preferences.

Despite the availability of general-purpose chatbots and AI search engines, Bigfoot believes it can stand out by focusing on local leisure discovery. While tools like OpenAI’s ChatGPT or Perplexity’s AI search engine can provide suggestions for a weekend in a specific location, they often offer generic recommendations that cater to tourists. In contrast, Littlefoot leverages curated data sources to provide more interesting and off-the-beaten-track recommendations.

During tests, Littlefoot’s recommendations were compared to those of general-purpose LLMs. While both provided suggestions, Littlefoot offered more eclectic and unique choices, appealing to users looking for a less touristy experience. However, it remains to be seen whether the average user will appreciate these nuances.

Bigfoot recognizes that it faces competition not only from general-purpose search tools but also from users’ own trusted sources for specialist weekend experiences. To overcome this, the startup plans to continue refining its product and offering additional features, such as the ability to connect with users’ Google Maps and Spotify APIs for more personalized recommendations. The product also aims to offer a rich user experience with visual elements, including imagery, TikTok videos, and map views.

While the current version of Littlefoot is still in its early stages and requires further development, Bigfoot’s team is committed to improving its functionality and usability. The startup is actively seeking seed funding to continue building and refining the product. With a lean team of six, Bigfoot is focused on addressing the cold start problem by curating a comprehensive supply of activities and events rather than relying on user-generated content.

In conclusion, Bigfoot’s Littlefoot chatbot aims to revolutionize the weekend planning process by providing personalized and unique recommendations for local leisure activities. By leveraging curated data sources and AI technology, Bigfoot hopes to differentiate itself from general-purpose search tools and offer a more tailored experience for users. While challenges lie ahead, such as competition and improving the user interface, Bigfoot remains determined to create a valuable tool for users seeking exciting and memorable weekend experiences.

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