Home ai Discover the AI-Enhanced and Unified Security Approach by CrowdStrike and Dell

Discover the AI-Enhanced and Unified Security Approach by CrowdStrike and Dell

Dell and CrowdStrike have announced a partnership to combat cyberattacks using artificial intelligence (AI). Dell will integrate CrowdStrike’s Falcon extended detection and response (XDR) platform into its managed detection and response (MDR) service. XDR platforms use APIs and an open architecture to aggregate and analyze data from various sources, enabling real-time attack detection and response. The addition of CrowdStrike’s technology will provide Dell’s resellers with AI-based solutions to protect against attacks. The partnership aims to deliver choice and flexibility to customers in the complex security landscape.

The growing threat of AI-based attacks has prompted businesses to invest in advanced cybersecurity solutions. Attackers have become skilled in using generative AI for various attacks, such as deepfake videos and social engineering. Traditional security measures are insufficient to protect against these sophisticated attacks, especially as attackers target softer targets like education, healthcare, and manufacturing. In 2023, 75% of attacks were malware-free, making them difficult to detect and stop. The average breakout time for intrusion decreased from 79 minutes in 2022 to 62 minutes in 2023.

By combining AI with MDR, Dell aims to provide its customers with an effective weapon against breaches. This partnership is particularly important for small and mid-size businesses that are often seen as soft targets by attackers. Dell’s reseller community includes city and county governments, healthcare providers, school districts, pharmacy chains, and mid-tier manufacturers. These businesses often lack the budget for robust cybersecurity measures, making them vulnerable to ransomware, data theft, and other attacks.

One example of the effectiveness of this approach is the city of Las Vegas, which successfully evaded a breach thanks to MDR. The quick work and collaboration between Dell and CrowdStrike allowed the city to detect subtle anomalies and prevent any major issues or data loss. AI-based insights and advanced analytics played a crucial role in protecting the city’s security.

The partnership between Dell and CrowdStrike is a win-win situation for both companies. With cybersecurity sales through channels generating nearly $80 billion in revenue, Dell’s reseller channel will benefit from access to CrowdStrike’s proven AI-based platform. On the other hand, CrowdStrike will expand its reach and customer base through Dell’s extensive network of resellers. This partnership aligns with CrowdStrike’s mission to enable long-term customer success and establish itself as one of the fastest-growing cybersecurity companies in the channel.

The future of AI security lies in the combination of human intelligence and AI’s data analysis capabilities. Simply relying on real-time telemetry data is no longer sufficient to combat sophisticated attacks. MDR brings human insight into understanding how threats progress, from manual attacks to AI-driven ones. The partnership between Dell and CrowdStrike reflects this shared vision and highlights the importance of AI in the future of cybersecurity.

Overall, the partnership between Dell and CrowdStrike represents a significant step towards enhancing cybersecurity through AI. By integrating CrowdStrike’s Falcon XDR platform into its MDR service, Dell provides its customers with advanced AI-based technologies to defend against evolving cyber threats. The collaboration between these industry leaders offers choice and flexibility to customers in an increasingly complex security landscape. As businesses continue to face AI-based attacks, investing in AI-enhanced security solutions becomes crucial for safeguarding valuable data and systems.

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