
Doly: The App Making 3D Product Videos Easy with AI

Doly, the 3D capture app developed by French startup AniML, aims to revolutionize the creation of product videos. By leveraging the power of artificial intelligence (AI) and smartphone technology, Doly allows users to generate professional-looking 3D models and transform them into captivating product videos. The team at AniML has prioritized simplifying the process of 3D capture, with the goal of making it accessible to a wider audience.

The process of 3D capture with Doly is straightforward. Users simply point their phone camera at the product and move around it to capture it in 3D. Behind the scenes, the app takes still images and sends them to the cloud. AniML has developed a reconstruction pipeline that utilizes a technique called Gaussian splatting to transform these images into realistic 3D models.

Traditionally, 3D models are created using a collection of points in 3D space, along with 2D textures and lighting effects. Gaussian splatting, on the other hand, involves estimating a 3D point cloud from a set of 2D images using a pre-trained AI model. This approach represents a new paradigm in 3D modeling, shifting from polygon-based 3D to neural-based 3D.

AniML recognized that e-commerce companies would be a prime use case for their app. By providing a creation tool for 3D models, Doly offers e-commerce businesses an innovative way to showcase their products. After capturing a 3D model, users can browse a template library to choose a 3D scene for their object to be integrated into. They can opt for a simple 3D rotation with a plain background or a more dynamic marketing staging, such as the camera approaching the object from different angles.

If users are satisfied with the result, they have the option to purchase and download the video for use in other marketing channels. This feature provides a convenient solution for businesses looking to enhance their visual content without the need for a professional video recording studio.

The founders of AniML, Rémi Rousseau and Pierre Pontevia, bring a wealth of experience to the company. Rousseau previously founded two VR companies, including one that was acquired by Magic Leap in 2019. Pontevia has a track record of success, having sold a company to Autodesk and another to the 3D content development platform Unity.

AniML has already secured $2 million in funding, with prominent investors such as Adjacent, Kima Ventures, and several angel investors participating in the seed round. The startup also received support from AI Grant, an accelerator led by Nat Friedman and Daniel Gross, as well as Bpifrance.

The adoption of 3D rendered videos by big brands, second-hand resellers, and other e-commerce professionals remains to be seen. However, the emergence of apps like Doly demonstrates the potential of AI to democratize the creation of compelling product visuals. With Doly, businesses can leverage technology to showcase their products in a more immersive and engaging way, without the need for specialized equipment or expertise.