
DryMerge: The Chatbot Making App-to-App Integrations 10x Easier

Streamlining App-to-App Integrations with DryMerge: A Review

Integrating different apps to work together seamlessly has always been a challenge for non-technical individuals. While generative AI has made it easier to connect apps, there is still a learning curve and programming knowledge required to make the most out of integration platforms. Recognizing this gap, software developers Sam Brashears and Edward Frazer created DryMerge, an app-to-app integration platform that aims to simplify the process for non-technical users. In this article, we’ll explore the features and functionality of DryMerge, its strengths, and areas for improvement.

The User Experience of DryMerge

DryMerge offers a clean and minimalist user interface, reminiscent of ChatGPT. The interface primarily consists of a text bot, where users can describe the automation they want between apps. Each new request initiates a chat session, which can be revisited from a list on the left-side panel. The simplicity of the interface makes it easy to navigate and focus on building workflows.

App Integration and Automation Creation

DryMerge supports a growing library of apps, including popular platforms like Gmail, Microsoft Outlook, Salesforce, storage services such as Dropbox and OneDrive, social media platforms, and messaging clients. Once an automation is created, DryMerge displays it in a dedicated window, showing when the automation was last run and any encountered errors.

During a test run, DryMerge successfully set up automations such as copying posts from X account to a personal Discord server. These functionalities can be particularly useful for professionals with busy schedules, saving them time and effort in managing multiple platforms.

Challenges and Setbacks

Despite its promising features, DryMerge is not without its flaws. Some users have reported issues with the chatbot, including instances where it stopped responding or misunderstood specific details of a request. For example, when trying to copy Gmail contacts to Google Calendar, DryMerge repeatedly interpreted the request as manually entering contacts into a spreadsheet. These setbacks can disrupt the user experience and hinder the platform’s effectiveness.

Addressing Bugs and Future Development

Sam Brashears and Edward Frazer acknowledge the existing bugs and assure users that they are working on resolving them. As the only employees of DryMerge, they are committed to iterating quickly and nimbly to improve the platform’s performance and address user concerns. As the platform matures, it will be crucial for DryMerge to ensure a stable and reliable user experience to stay competitive in the integration-platform-as-a-service (iPaaS) market.

Competing in the iPaaS Market

The iPaaS market is rapidly growing, with a projected value of $2.7 billion this year. Major players like AWS and IBM have their own iPaaS offerings, while numerous startups are also vying for market share. To distinguish itself, DryMerge aims to be 10x easier to use compared to drag-and-drop integration builders. The platform’s target audience includes non-technical users, such as online fashion retailers, school administrators, and asset managers, who can benefit from automation and data integration without coding expertise.

Future Prospects and Funding

While DryMerge is still in its early stages with approximately 2,000 users, it has gained recognition and support. The company was accepted into Y Combinator’s Winter 2024 batch and secured a $2.2 million seed round led by Garage Capital, with participation from Goodwater Capital, Ritual Capital, and undisclosed angel investors. These funds will be utilized to expand the app integration options and double the size of the DryMerge team, indicating a commitment to further development and growth.


DryMerge offers a promising solution for non-technical users seeking simplified app-to-app integrations. While the platform has encountered some bugs and limitations, the dedication of its creators to address these issues is commendable. As DryMerge evolves and refines its features, it has the potential to capture a significant market share in the iPaaS space. By providing a user-friendly interface and focusing on ease of use, DryMerge aims to empower non-technical individuals, enabling them to save time and streamline their workflows through automation.