
“Edonia: Creating Nutritious Protein Ingredients from Microalgae Using Edonization”

Creating Protein Ingredients from Microalgae: Edonia’s Innovative Approach

As the global population continues to grow, the challenge of feeding everyone becomes increasingly important. To address this issue, Paris-based startup Edonia is working on creating protein ingredients using microalgae. With the global market for commercial algae projected to reach $25.4 billion by 2033, Edonia joins other companies such as Bevel, AlgaeCore Technologies, Algenuity, and NewFish in tapping into this lucrative industry.

Edonia’s CEO, Hugo Valentin, is confident that their plant-based ingredients derived from microalgae biomass generated from spirulina or chlorella are more nutritious than meat. With €2 million ($2.1 million) in funding, the company is now moving forward with their mission.

Edonia’s Journey:
Hugo Valentin, the co-founder of Edonia, previously worked on a company called Ammi that focused on spirulina consumption. During his time at Ammi, Valentin realized that mycology, the study of fungi, would play a crucial role in the protein transition currently taking place. This realization led him to found Edonia.

Edonia’s Unique Approach:
Edonia has developed a unique microalgae transformation process called “edonization” to create protein ingredients. This process changes the color of the microalgae biomass from green to a darker, richer-looking brown. It also transforms the texture into “meaty-like tender grains” with aromatics similar to those produced by smoking or grilling.

Edo-1: A Plant-Based Meat Alternative:
Edo-1 is Edonia’s first product, offering an umami-like flavor and a texture closer to ground meat than soy proteins. With 30% protein content, essential amino acids, and other minerals and vitamins, Edo-1 provides a higher percentage of protein than ground beef, which is typically around 20%.

Reducing Carbon Footprint:
In addition to its nutritional benefits, Edonia’s microalgae product has the potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Through a Life Cycle Assessment developed in collaboration with AgroParisTech, Edonia demonstrated that their product emits 40 times less carbon dioxide than its ground meat equivalent and three times less than its textured soy equivalent.

Scaling Up and Going to Market:
Edonia is already capable of producing a few kilograms of Edo-1, but Valentin’s goal is to scale up the technology to deliver thousands of tons of the product to the market. Within about two years, the company aims to have a full-scale factory. Edonia is also working with food manufacturer beta testers to develop recipes and food products using their innovative ingredients.

Edonia’s Advantage:
Unlike other companies in the industry, Edonia is not subject to the “Novel Food” category regulations, allowing them to bring their product to market more rapidly without needing French or European Union authorization. This advantage positions them for a European launch, followed by expansion into other continents through strategic partnerships.

Investment and Recognition:
Edonia recently secured a €2 million investment led by French venture capital firm Asterion Ventures, with participation from BPI. The funding will enable the company to finance a pilot plant and extend its research and development efforts. The quality of Edonia’s product has already been tested and approved by renowned French R&D chef Laurent Sicre.

Expanding Applications:
Apart from being a meat alternative, Edo-1 has the potential to improve the nutrition of various products, including bread, cakes, cream, and cereal bars, without compromising the eating experience. With their industrial demonstrator set up, Edonia expects to execute at an industrial scale starting this summer and secure additional letters of intent from food makers for market launch.

Edonia’s innovative approach to creating protein ingredients from microalgae holds great promise for addressing the growing need for sustainable food sources. With their unique edonization process, the company offers a viable plant-based alternative to meat that not only provides nutritional benefits but also reduces carbon emissions. As they scale up their production and establish partnerships, Edonia is set to make a significant impact in the food industry by delivering sustainable and nutritious options to consumers worldwide.