
Elephant Breaks Free and Stops Traffic in Montana City

Circus Elephant Viola’s Unplanned Adventure in Butte, Montana

Viola, an Asian elephant with the Jordan World Circus, caused quite a scene in Butte, Montana when she decided to take a brief walk after being startled by the sound of a vehicle backfiring during her pre-show bath. The incident happened near the Butte Civic Center, where she was being prepared for two performances later that day.

As Viola made her way through a “kind of rickety” fence, she found herself on Harrison Avenue, the busiest street in town. The sight of a massive elephant casually strolling down the road stopped noontime traffic, leaving drivers and pedestrians in awe. Olivia LaBeau, who was driving home from a coffee run, couldn’t believe her eyes as she encountered the unexpected roadblock. She quickly pulled out her phone and captured a video of the surreal moment.

The elephant continued her leisurely walk, covering about half a block before eventually entering the parking lot of a convenience store and casino. Surveillance cameras from the Town Pump captured the extraordinary sight of Viola walking in front of the building and through the parking lot, accompanied by a trainer. Finally, she found herself on a residential lawn, where she indulged in some grassy sustenance.

Fortunately, the circus had a solution to bring Viola’s adventure to an end. They promptly dispatched another elephant in a trailer to entice her back. With the ramp down, Viola willingly walked back into the trailer, reuniting with her companion. The whole incident took no more than 10 minutes from the time she was startled to when she was safely back in the trailer, according to Bill Melvin, manager of the Butte Civic Center.

Despite her unexpected outing, Viola managed to participate in both scheduled performances that evening. The show went on, highlighting the resilience and professionalism of both the circus team and the elephants.

However, not everyone saw the incident in a positive light. Animal rights groups, including People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) and Compassion Works International, criticized the circus for endangering Viola and the public. They argue that incidents like this could be avoided if circuses stopped forcing animals to perform.

Viola and the Jordan World Circus continue their tour, with performances scheduled in Helena, the capital of Montana, on Wednesday. It remains to be seen if any additional safety measures will be implemented to prevent a recurrence of such an unplanned adventure.

The incident in Butte serves as a reminder of the complexities involved in the use of animals for entertainment purposes. While circuses have taken steps to ensure the well-being of their animals, accidents can still happen. In recent years, there has been a growing movement towards animal-free circuses that rely solely on human performers and acrobats. These circuses offer entertaining shows without compromising the welfare of animals or posing risks to public safety.

As society continues to evolve, it is essential for both circus operators and animal rights advocates to engage in open dialogue and explore alternative forms of entertainment that align with evolving ethical standards. Ultimately, the goal should be to ensure the welfare of animals while also providing engaging experiences for audiences.