
Elevate Your Brand at TechCrunch Disrupt 2024 with a Side Event

Elevate Your Brand’s Visibility at TechCrunch Disrupt 2024 with a Side Event

Exciting news for tech enthusiasts and innovators! TechCrunch Disrupt 2024, the most anticipated tech gathering of the year, is just around the corner. And guess what? You have an incredible opportunity to take your brand’s visibility to new heights by hosting your own Side Event at this prestigious event.

Why should you host a Side Event?

Imagine being at the helm of your own event, engaging with over 10,000 of the brightest minds in the tech industry. Hosting a Side Event at TechCrunch Disrupt 2024 provides unparalleled exposure for your brand. It’s a chance to connect with a vast network of attendees, influencers, and potential collaborators. By showcasing your brand, sharing your expertise, and making lasting connections, you can take your brand awareness to new heights.

What kind of event can you host?

The sky’s the limit! Whether you want to organize an industry meetup, VC office hours, workshops, or a relaxed happy hour, the stage is yours. At TechCrunch Disrupt, innovation knows no bounds. You have the freedom to design an event that truly reflects your brand’s vision and interests.

When can you host your Side Event?

Events can be hosted from October 26 through November 1, 2024, with the exception of conference hours on October 28-30. However, evening events during these days are highly encouraged. This gives you flexibility to choose a time that works best for you and your attendees.

How can you get involved?

Ready to put your brand in the spotlight? Hosting a Side Event at TechCrunch Disrupt 2024 is simpler than you think. All you need to do is submit your event proposal, detailing your vision, objectives, and logistical needs. Once approved, you’ll receive full support from the TechCrunch Disrupt team to bring your event to life. It’s a seamless process that ensures you have everything you need to make your event a success. But remember, applications close in September, so don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity!

The best part? It’s completely free to apply and participate. TechCrunch Disrupt 2024 is committed to providing a platform for brands to shine without any financial barriers. So, if you’re ready to raise your brand’s profile and connect with the brightest minds in tech, don’t hesitate. Apply now and secure your spot at TechCrunch Disrupt 2024!