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Elevate Your Game: Join Industry Leaders at GamesBeat Next and Explore New Frontiers in UGC Gaming

### What is Tower of Heck: Super Only Up?

Tower of Heck: Super Only Up is a newly launched user-generated content (UGC) game created by FarBridge and published through Look North World’s Creator Label. Available on the popular gaming platform Fortnite, this game invites players to take on a vertical obstacle course where the ultimate goal is to reach the top before their fellow competitors. The game stands out not only for its engaging gameplay but also for its social aspect—up to sixteen players can race against each other, creating a lively and competitive atmosphere.

### How Does Gameplay Work?

In Tower of Heck, players navigate a tower that starts with relatively easy challenges, but quickly becomes more difficult as they ascend. One notable design choice is the absence of checkpoints; this means that if players fall, they must start again from the bottom, adding an element of suspense and excitement. However, the game does provide a mechanism to enhance the experience: players collect coins while climbing, which they can use to purchase upgrades upon respawning. This feature is designed to facilitate faster returns to their previous points of progress, allowing players to continuously engage with the challenges without excessive frustration.

### The Philosophy Behind Game Design

Donald Harris, the executive producer at FarBridge, emphasizes that the core philosophy behind Tower of Heck is to prioritize fun. He stated, “The goal is to have a lot of fun and experience those goofy moments.” This approach harkens back to the early days of game development, where enjoyment was the primary focus. The game is designed not only to challenge players but also to foster laughter and camaraderie as they watch their friends misstep and tumble down the tower.

### The Role of Look North World and Funding

Look North World has invested significantly in the development and promotion of UGC games like Tower of Heck, raising $2.25 million to support its Creator Label. The label offers developers essential resources, including marketing support, technical assistance, and collaborative opportunities with experienced publishers. This funding model not only boosts the visibility of new games but also encourages innovation in gameplay and design.

### The Advantages of Developing on Fortnite’s Platform

In a discussion with GamesBeat, Patrick Curry, CEO of FarBridge, highlighted the distinct advantages of creating games for Fortnite. He pointed out that traditional game development often involves significant time and financial investment, which can be a barrier for many creators. However, the accessibility of Fortnite’s platform allows developers to launch smaller, mid-sized games quickly and reach a vast audience. “Here’s a game. We know you own a device that can play it. And it’s free,” he adds, encapsulating the ease with which players can engage with new content.

### Exploring New Genres and Game Mechanics

Alex Seropian, CEO of Look North World, elaborated on the potential for innovation within the Fortnite ecosystem. He expressed excitement about the opportunity to experiment with new genres and gameplay mechanics. In an industry where game development can be lengthy and costly, the flexibility provided by UEFN (Unreal Engine Fortnite) allows for a lower-risk approach to game creation. This environment encourages developers to take creative risks, fostering a culture of innovation.

### The Impact of Audience Reach

One of the most compelling aspects of developing games for Fortnite is the built-in audience. Curry emphasizes that the platform not only provides powerful development tools but also grants access to hundreds of millions of potential players. The visibility that comes from featuring a game on Fortnite’s platform can significantly enhance its reach, making it easier for developers to gain traction in a crowded market.

### Conclusion: A New Era for User-Generated Content

The launch of Tower of Heck: Super Only Up signifies a pivotal moment in the realm of user-generated content within the gaming industry. As platforms like Fortnite continue to evolve, they empower developers to create unique, engaging experiences with reduced barriers to entry. With a focus on fun, community, and innovative gameplay, games like Tower of Heck exemplify the exciting future of UGC in gaming. Whether you’re a casual player or a seasoned developer, this project invites you to explore the limitless possibilities that lie ahead in the gaming landscape.

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