
ElevenLabs Launches Sound Effects Tool for Easy Audio Creation

blankThe AI Impact Tour: Last Chance to Request an Invite

Attention all AI enthusiasts and professionals! The AI Impact Tour is just around the corner, and there is only one week left to request an invite for the event taking place on June 5th. This exclusive tour will provide attendees with a unique opportunity to explore various methods for auditing AI models. Don’t miss out on this incredible chance to engage with top executive leaders in the industry and gain valuable insights into ensuring optimal performance and accuracy across your organization. To secure your attendance, visit the official website.

ElevenLabs Launches Sound Effects: Revolutionizing Audio Generation with AI

ElevenLabs, the AI voice startup founded by former Google and Palantir employees, has announced the launch of their new text-to-sound AI offering called Sound Effects. This innovative tool allows creators to generate different types of audio samples simply by typing a description of their desired sound. By partnering with Shutterstock, ElevenLabs has brought this product to life, enabling creators across domains to enhance their content with immersive soundscapes.

Enhancing Content with Immersive Soundscapes Made Simple

Traditionally, creators have had to manually record ambient noises or purchase audio files from various sources on the internet. However, these methods can be time-consuming and limit the available options. With ElevenLabs’ Sound Effects, creators can now easily obtain the exact sound they desire by typing a description in plain, conversational English. The model powering Sound Effects processes the text prompt and generates six unique audio samples for users to choose from. From standard ambient noises to more complex sounds like monkeys chattering or cars racing, Sound Effects covers a wide range of audio options.

Testing and Feedback: A Promising Solution for Creators

VentureBeat had the opportunity to test Sound Effects before its official launch and found that it was able to generate clear outputs in just 30-40 seconds. However, it was noted that the tool generated four options instead of six. Despite this, the audio samples provided by Sound Effects were diverse and included a variety of sounds that can greatly enhance different types of content. Mati Staniszewski, CEO of ElevenLabs, revealed that the capabilities of Sound Effects go beyond short sound effects, with the tool being able to generate longer audio samples such as instrumental music and character voices.

Powering Creators Worldwide: Expanding ElevenLabs’ AI Audio Capabilities

ElevenLabs has been dedicated to developing powerful AI audio capabilities since its inception two years ago. With the launch of Sound Effects, the company aims to equip creators across domains, including film and television studios, video game developers, marketers, and social media content creators, with the necessary tools to produce high-quality content. While specific alpha-testing enterprises have not been disclosed, ElevenLabs has an impressive customer base that includes 41% of the Fortune 500 companies.

The Future of AI Audio Generation

ElevenLabs has further plans to launch a music generation model and a voiceover studio offering in the future. These additions will expand the company’s AI audio capabilities and provide even more tools for creators. The global market for AI speech, sound, and music generation tools is expected to reach nearly $5 billion in 2032, highlighting the growing demand in this industry.

Don’t Miss Out – Request Your Invite Today!

The AI Impact Tour is just around the corner, offering attendees valuable insights into auditing AI models. Request an invite now to secure your attendance at this exclusive event on June 5th. And with the launch of Sound Effects, creators have a powerful new tool at their disposal to enhance their content with immersive soundscapes. Stay tuned for future updates from ElevenLabs as they continue to revolutionize the world of AI audio generation.