Home Business “Empower Change: A Tech-Enabled Nonprofit Helping Grieving Families”

“Empower Change: A Tech-Enabled Nonprofit Helping Grieving Families”

**Empower Change: Navigating Families through Grief**

Empower Change, a new tech-enabled nonprofit, is set to revolutionize the way grieving families are supported. Founded by Roderick Alemania, who himself experienced the loss of both parents, Empower Change aims to navigate families through their grief and help them live more fulfilling lives. Alemania, with over 30 years of experience in Silicon Valley, has infused principles of innovation into this nonprofit venture.

The magnitude of the problem is staggering, with over 1,000 children losing a parent each day. By the age of 18, six million people will have lost a parent, and by age 25, that number rises to 14.7 million. Disturbingly, one in five children will experience the death of someone close to them by the time they turn 18. Recognizing this immense need for support, Empower Change is committed to making a positive impact on as many lives as possible.

One unique aspect of Empower Change is its approach to creating content and services that generate revenue. Unlike traditional nonprofits that rely solely on donations, Empower Change aims to become self-sustaining by maximizing its impact and creating products and services with market value. The nonprofit is also developing programs like retreats and seminars that teach essential life skills to help individuals cope with their grief.

The team at Empower Change recognizes that individuals who have experienced grief can learn best from those who have already journeyed through it. That’s why the nonprofit is focused on facilitating connections within existing online and real-life communities. By leveraging technology, Empower Change plans to hold peer-to-peer discussions and connect mentors with people on their grief journey from around the world.

The nonprofit’s innovative approach has attracted industry experts like Carter Lipscomb, former head of publisher relations at Sony PlayStation, who believes that Empower Change’s unique blend of passion and entrepreneurial spirit will scale and help people worldwide. Lipscomb joins Empower Change as a board member, confident in the organization’s ability to make a meaningful difference.

Empower Change’s mission extends beyond traditional nonprofit models. It strives to inspire resilience and empower individuals to rebuild their lives constructively after experiencing grief. Alemania, driven by his personal experience and the sacrifices his parents made for him and his siblings, is excited to dedicate himself to this passion project. The nonprofit is currently raising a $1 million seed round to expand its team and scale its operations.

The current support system for grieving individuals often falls short of helping them build a life beyond grief. Therapists and nonprofits typically focus on the traumatic event or the immediate aftermath, leaving individuals struggling to move forward. This lack of comprehensive support leads to unresolved grief, which can manifest in various complications such as addiction and unstable relationships.

Empower Change aims to bridge this gap by guiding families through grief and inspiring personal growth. While grief cannot be erased, the nonprofit aims to inspire resilience and provide individuals with the tools they need to rebuild their lives. By emphasizing innovation, entrepreneurial spirit, and community connections, Empower Change is poised to make a lasting impact on the lives of those affected by grief.

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