
Etsy Updates Policies to Allow Sale of AI-Generated Artwork with Artist Disclosures

The Evolving Relationship between Artists and AI

The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools in the creative process has become increasingly prevalent. Online marketplace Etsy has recently shared an update on its stance regarding the sale of AI-generated goods, highlighting its commitment to “supporting artists through the evolution of art.” While Etsy acknowledges the inevitability of AI’s advancement in the creative field, it emphasizes the importance of artists’ contributions and creative decisions in guiding AI tools and curating unique, finished works for sale.

Etsy’s guidelines state that artists are allowed to sell artwork derived from their own original prompts or AI tools, as long as they disclose their use of AI in the item’s listing description. This transparency ensures that buyers are aware of the AI element involved in the creation of the artwork. However, Etsy draws a line when it comes to the sale of AI prompt bundles, considering them to be crossing a creative boundary. The platform believes that the prompts used to generate AI artwork are an integral part of the creative process and should not be sold separately from the final artwork.

The decision by Etsy to allow the sale of AI-generated artwork while maintaining certain restrictions reflects the platform’s commitment to supporting artists while also considering ethical and environmental considerations surrounding AI. The guidelines may evolve over time as these considerations continue to develop.

The relationship between artists and AI has been a contentious one, largely due to the lack of regulation surrounding the technology. Many AI companies employ the practice of training their models on existing artwork without compensating the original artists. This poses a significant threat to the livelihoods of all creatives, as their work is used without proper recognition or compensation. In April, over 200 musicians, including renowned artists like Billie Eilish and the estate of Frank Sinatra, signed an open letter denouncing AI in music, describing it as an “assault on human creativity” and highlighting the “enormous threats” it poses to the future of the industry.

As AI continues to advance and become more prominent in the creative field, it is crucial for platforms like Etsy to establish guidelines that protect artists’ rights and ensure fair compensation for their work. By allowing the sale of AI-generated artwork while maintaining strict guidelines and promoting transparency, Etsy aims to navigate the evolving relationship between artists and AI, supporting artists’ creativity while also addressing ethical concerns. This approach sets a precedent for other platforms and industries to consider the impact of AI on the creative process and the importance of protecting artists’ rights in this new technological landscape.