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Europe’s Path to Sovereign Space Access: ESA Selects Companies to Advance Cargo Spacecraft Designs

European Space Agency Advances Designs for Cargo Spacecraft

The European Space Agency (ESA) has chosen two companies, Thales Alenia Space and The Exploration Company, to develop designs for a cargo spacecraft that could provide Europe with its first independent access to space. With €25 million ($27 million) each in funding, these companies will work on concepts for vehicles capable of transporting cargo to and from stations in low Earth orbit. This initial phase will continue until 2026, with more competitive contract opportunities expected in the future. The goal is to have at least one capsule conducting a demonstration flight to the International Space Station (ISS) by 2028 and to establish a cargo transportation service by the end of the decade.

Currently, Europe relies on its international partners to transport cargo and crew to space through a bartering system. However, with the impending deorbit of the ISS and the emergence of privately owned space stations, Europe may lose its ability to barter and instead have to pay cash for access to space. The LEO Cargo Return Service contract was created to invest this cash in European industrial capability. Furthermore, this cargo service could serve as a stepping stone towards developing a crewed transportation capability, similar to SpaceX’s Dragon capsule that has both crewed and cargo-only variants.

According to ESA’s director of human and robotic exploration, Daniel Neuenschwander, this initiative prepares Europe for the post-ISS era and strengthens its competitiveness in low Earth orbit operations. It also acts as a test case for ESA’s transformation and new ways of working. The LEO Cargo Return Service contract bears similarities to NASA’s Commercial Orbital Transportation Services program, which began in 2006 and resulted in lucrative service contracts with SpaceX and Orbital Sciences Corporation (now part of Northrop Grumman). However, NASA had to pay hundreds of millions of dollars to these competitors for the development of their respective capsules, so it will need to lobby for more funding to support these projects throughout the decade.

The Exploration Company, led by CEO Hélène Huby, is designing a capsule named Nyx that will service the ISS, private space stations, and NASA’s orbital lunar platform Gateway. The French startup has raised approximately $65 million from venture capitalists for its vehicle design, and the maiden flight is scheduled for 2026. Huby emphasizes that this contract is just the beginning, hinting at more exciting developments to come.

In conclusion, the European Space Agency’s selection of Thales Alenia Space and The Exploration Company to advance designs for a cargo spacecraft marks a significant step towards Europe’s independent access to space. By investing in European industrial capability and potentially developing a crewed transportation capability, Europe can strengthen its competitiveness and adapt to the changing landscape of space exploration. With anticipated demonstration flights to the ISS by 2028 and a cargo transportation service in operation by the end of the decade, the future of European space exploration looks promising.

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