Home ai Fluently: The AI-Powered English Speaking Coach for Near-Native Speakers

Fluently: The AI-Powered English Speaking Coach for Near-Native Speakers

Fluently: The AI-Powered English Speaking Coach for Near-Native Speakers

Learning English as a second language is a common pursuit, but what about those who already have a near-native level of fluency and want to further improve their skills? This is the problem that Stan Beliaev and Yurii Rebryk set out to solve when they created Fluently, an innovative language learning platform.

Using the power of artificial intelligence (AI), Fluently acts as a personal coach, providing users with feedback and tips to enhance their spoken English. While there are other solutions on the market, such as ELSA and various online coaching platforms, Fluently sets itself apart by analyzing real-life calls to create personalized feedback. Users can record and transcribe their side of phone calls, making it an ideal tool for professionals who frequently use platforms like Zoom for work.

But Fluently doesn’t stop there. It also offers the option to practice with an AI coach named “Ryan” for casual conversations or “Kyle” for mock interviews. As more job opportunities require advanced English speaking skills, Fluently aims to cater to foreign candidates who need to excel in interviews.

Beliaev and Rebryk estimate that there are approximately 84 million non-native employees working in English-speaking environments. While it’s hard to determine how many of them desire improved communication skills, it’s clear that there is a sizable and growing niche market for Fluently to tap into.

Recognizing its potential, Fluently was accepted into Y Combinator’s winter 2024 batch and successfully closed a $2 million seed round with investment from Pioneer Fund, SID Venture Partners, and individual angels. The fact that three out of the four members of the Fluently team are engineers with experience at major tech companies like Amazon, Google, and Nvidia only adds to their credibility and appeal to investors.

Unlike traditional language learning platforms, Fluently doesn’t prioritize accent reduction. Instead, its goal is to enhance understandability by improving pronunciation, grammar, pace, and vocabulary. The team also plans to incorporate rephrasing advice, similar to the features offered by Grammarly and Ludwig for writing.

Although Fluently is still in its beta stage, it has already shown promising results. Users who are willing to try the free trial have reported significant improvements in their pronunciation. For example, tech professionals can benefit from correctly pronouncing terms like “computer.” With a monthly subscription fee of $25, Fluently offers a potentially valuable investment for those seeking to refine their English speaking skills.

However, there is room for improvement. Fluently could learn from the gamification features of popular language learning app Duolingo to help users correct their mistakes and track their progress. Motivation to learn a language often fluctuates, and incorporating gamified elements can help users stay engaged and committed to their goals.

Privacy is a valid concern when using an app that requires microphone access. To address this, Fluently ensures users that their privacy is guaranteed. Audio recordings are stored locally, encrypted, and protected from third-party providers. Additionally, any data sent to third-party AI providers for transcription is anonymized and not used for training purposes.

Currently only available on MacOS, Fluently is developing a Chrome extension to expand its accessibility. The recent release of Apple Silicon has played a role in enabling this expansion.

With the seed funding secured, Fluently plans to hire another team member and allocate resources to marketing efforts. Rebryk acknowledges the importance of prioritizing tasks for a small team and expresses optimism for the future.

Fluently’s innovative approach to language learning fills a gap in the market for near-native English speakers seeking to improve their fluency. With its AI-powered coaching, personalized feedback, and commitment to user privacy, Fluently has the potential to become a go-to platform for those looking to take their English speaking skills to the next level.

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