Home Car Tech Ford F-450 Driver Filmed Chilling in Back Seat, Ignoring Safety Measures

Ford F-450 Driver Filmed Chilling in Back Seat, Ignoring Safety Measures

Ford Super Duty Driver Endangers Lives by Filming Himself in the Back Seat

In recent years, there has been a rise in dangerous behavior among drivers who mistakenly believe that self-driving cars are already a reality. While this delusion has mostly been associated with Tesla owners, it appears to be spreading. A recent video uploaded on Instagram by user @__c.crawford__ showcases a Ford Super Duty driver lying in the back seat of his truck as it speeds down the highway at over 80 mph, with no one in the driver’s seat. This reckless behavior not only endangers the driver’s life but also poses a threat to everyone else on the road.

The caption of the video, “F450 driving itself,” reveals the driver’s misconception about the capabilities of his vehicle. It is important to note that Ford offers various levels of driving automation, with their premier automation tech being BlueCruise. However, even BlueCruise requires the driver to keep their eyes on the road. Ford utilizes a driver monitoring system to ensure attentiveness, and the system deactivates if it detects inattentiveness. Despite these safety measures, BlueCruise has faced scrutiny due to its involvement in two fatal crashes, leading to a federal investigation.

What makes this situation even more concerning is that the Ford F-450 driven by @__c.crawford__ does not even have BlueCruise. The most advanced assist offered by Ford for the Super Duty is a combination of adaptive cruise control and lane-keeping, which provide minimal automation. These features are intended to be used by drivers who remain in control with their hands on the wheel. This Ford Super Duty driver’s behavior not only disregards the intended use of these features but also demonstrates a disregard for safety.

Ford attempts to enforce responsible driving by incorporating pressure sensors on the steering wheel. However, Tesla drivers have found ways to bypass these sensors, and it appears that @__c.crawford__ has done the same. This behavior is not unique to Ford owners, as some Tesla drivers have also filmed themselves engaging in similar reckless acts as “pranks.” Regardless of whether this Ford driver is trolling or genuinely believes his truck can drive itself, his actions prove that he is unfit to be entrusted with a motor vehicle, especially one as imposing as an F-450.

The danger posed by overconfident tech enthusiasts in Tesla vehicles is already a concern, but when it comes to massive 8,000-pound F-450 crew cabs, the risks are even greater due to their sheer weight. It is alarming to see that there are others who also believe these trucks are capable of autonomous driving. Tesla’s misleading marketing practices have come under investigation, but until there are concrete outcomes from that case, it is crucial for the safety of everyone on the road that drivers like @__c.crawford__ have their licenses revoked.

In conclusion, the rise of self-driving car delusions among drivers is a serious issue that requires immediate attention. This particular case involving a Ford Super Duty driver highlights the need for stricter regulations and enforcement to prevent such dangerous behavior. Automakers must continue to prioritize safety and ensure that drivers understand the limitations of their vehicles’ automation features. Additionally, public awareness campaigns can play a vital role in educating drivers about responsible usage of these technologies. Ultimately, it is essential for everyone on the road to prioritize safety and not succumb to the allure of inappropriate and reckless behavior behind the wheel.

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