
Former Sony executive Shawn Layden provides guidance to Readygg as the company secures $4 million in funding for the advancement of Web3 gaming.

blankFormer Sony executive Shawn Layden has joined gaming company Readygg as an advisor and the company has secured $4 million in funding for the advancement of Web3 gaming. Layden, who was previously the chairman of Sony Interactive Entertainment Worldwide Studios, had been skeptical about Web3 but has now recognized the value of ownership that Readygg is creating with its business. Readygg aims to advance “ownership gaming” through blockchain-enabled games and Layden’s extensive experience in the industry will help the company in areas such as monetization, ownership, and relations between developers and players.

Readygg is a game development Layer 3 within a collective gaming ecosystem. It incorporates decentralized decision-making, milestone rewards, cross-game utilities, blockchain technology, and NFT-based user-generated content to enhance the experience for game developers, players, and content creators. The company’s ownership gaming model, driven by Web3 technologies, has already seen success with titles like Runestone Keeper.

In terms of monetization, Readygg’s solution allows for the payment of platform fees to Google and Apple for in-app purchases. Users can buy in-game currency through Apple or Google, and then use that currency to purchase NFTs within the game. This ensures that platform owners receive their share of the proceeds. The company also makes it easier for users to create wallets for transactions within the game, streamlining the process.

Readygg has secured funding from key partners including NeoTokyo, Delphi Digital, Merit Circle, Momentum6, Purechain Capital, Alex Becker, and Token Metrics Ventures. The funds will be used to mainstream ownership gaming and expand the company’s team. Readygg is also looking to tap into markets such as Southeast Asia where Web3 gaming is popular.

Shawn Layden’s involvement with Readygg will help connect the company with influential publishers and global game studios. He aims to raise awareness about ownership gaming’s potential to revitalize game economics and ensure fair player outcomes. Readygg’s mobile game development toolkit offers an all-in-one solution for integrating Web3 technologies, making it easier for developers to launch successful Web3 games.

Investment in Web3 game companies has seen ups and downs, but with the current bull market and the increasing popularity of blockchain technology, there is potential for growth in the industry. Readygg’s focus on ownership gaming and its ability to provide value through rewards and item sales could attract gamers to the platform. The company aims to change the dynamics of player engagement and reduce the number of middlemen in the gaming industry.

Overall, Readygg’s partnership with Shawn Layden and the funding it has secured demonstrate the company’s commitment to advancing Web3 gaming and creating a more inclusive and rewarding gaming experience for players and developers alike. With Layden’s expertise and the support of key partners, Readygg is well-positioned to make a significant impact in the gaming industry.