
Former U.S. Customs Officer Convicted of Accepting Bribes to Allow Drug-Filled Vehicles into the United States

Former U.S. Customs Officer Convicted of Bribery and Drug Trafficking

A former U.S. Customs officer has been found guilty of accepting bribes to allow drug-filled vehicles from Mexico into the United States, providing traffickers with a one-hour window to cross the border. Leonard Darnell George, a Customs and Border Protection officer, worked for two criminal organizations, enabling at least 19 illegal crossings between late 2021 and June 2022.

According to court documents, the vehicles George allowed to pass contained large quantities of methamphetamine, as well as smaller amounts of cocaine, fentanyl, heroin, and individuals being unlawfully brought into the country. Investigators obtained text messages that revealed George’s agreement to let cars through in exchange for bribes amounting to $17,000 per vehicle. A single message even showed that he received $68,000 for allowing four vehicles from drug traffickers across the border in June 2022.

George’s attorney, Antonio Yoon, has not yet commented on the case. The former officer was convicted by a federal jury in U.S. District Court in San Diego on charges that include taking a bribe, conspiring to import controlled substances, and permitting unauthorized individuals to enter the country in vehicles.

U.S. Attorney Tara K. McGrath emphasized the severity of George’s actions, stating, “Abandoning the integrity of the uniform for the conspiracy of drug trafficking is a path to a criminal conviction.” Witnesses testified during the trial that George used the bribes to purchase vehicles, motorcycles, and jewelry. Additionally, he reportedly spent lavishly at a strip club in Tijuana.

George’s sentencing hearing is scheduled for September 13. If convicted, he faces a maximum penalty ranging from 10 years to life imprisonment.

This case sheds light on the importance of maintaining integrity and upholding the law for those serving in positions of trust within law enforcement agencies. The conviction serves as a reminder that the consequences for accepting bribes or engaging in criminal activity while on duty are severe. The fact that individuals like George can compromise national security and public safety underscores the need for continued vigilance and the importance of a robust internal oversight system in law enforcement organizations. Authorities must remain committed to rooting out corruption and ensuring that those responsible are held accountable.