
Fortnite Is Back on iPhones in Europe with a Separate App Store

Fortnite is a popular video game that has been at the center of a long-standing dispute between Apple and Epic Games. However, iPhone owners in Europe can now rejoice as they can finally download and play Fortnite again. This is made possible by installing a separate Epic Games Store app from Safari and then downloading Fortnite from there, rather than the regular App Store.

The reason behind this workaround is due to the European Union’s strict laws against big tech monopolies. Apple has historically taken a portion of the revenue from in-app purchases, but Epic Games wants to keep all of the revenue for itself. By using its own digital storefront, Epic Games can avoid sharing any profits with Apple.

While this news is exciting for iPhone owners in Europe, the situation is still uncertain for U.S. users. It’s unclear when they will be able to access Fortnite again on their iPhones. This ongoing saga between Apple and Epic Games has caused a lot of confusion and frustration for fans of the game.

The dispute between Apple and Epic Games has shed light on the issue of big tech monopolies and their control over app distribution. Epic Games’ decision to go against the traditional app store model has sparked a conversation about the fairness of app store policies and the need for more competition.

For now, iPhone owners in Europe can enjoy playing Fortnite without any restrictions. It remains to be seen how this dispute will be resolved in other regions and what impact it will have on the future of app distribution. Regardless, this is a significant milestone in the history of Fortnite and a victory for Epic Games in their fight for more control over their revenue.