
FTC Accuses TikTok and ByteDance of Unfair Competition, Investigating Violations of Children’s Online Privacy Act

TikTok and its parent company, ByteDance, have recently come under fire as they face accusations of unfair competition from the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). The government agency has filed a complaint against both organizations, citing potential violations of the Children’s Online Privacy Act and “unfair and deceptive” business practices.

Simultaneously, the FTC has initiated investigations into these allegations to determine if TikTok has indeed violated the law. In a statement released by the government, it states that there is reason to believe that the defendants are in violation or likely to violate the law, and that it is in the public interest to proceed with a case. As a result, the complaint has been referred to the Department of Justice.

TikTok, on the other hand, has stated that it has been working closely with the FTC for over a year to address their concerns. The company expressed disappointment in the FTC’s decision to file a case against them and strongly disagreed with the allegations, claiming that many of them are factually inaccurate or have already been addressed. They emphasized their dedication to protecting children and their ongoing efforts to improve their product.

It is worth noting that TikTok rarely announces when it refers a complaint, but in this case, the FTC’s decision prompted the public statement. This isn’t the first time TikTok has faced legal issues regarding the privacy of children. In 2019, they settled charges brought forth by the FTC for $5.7 million, which was noted as the largest civil penalty ever achieved by the Commission in relation to children’s privacy concerns.

The current investigations into TikTok align with a statute passed by President Biden in April. Under this statute, if ByteDance fails to sell TikTok within a year, they will be in violation of the law. This provision was introduced due to concerns that ByteDance may be sharing customer information with the Chinese government, a worry that has plagued politicians in the United States for some time.

In response to this provision, TikTok and ByteDance have filed a lawsuit against the government, arguing that it contradicts the principles of free speech and individual liberty enshrined in the United States Constitution. The lawsuit serves as a response to the measure and highlights the ongoing tensions between TikTok and US authorities.

In conclusion, TikTok’s legal troubles continue to mount as the FTC accuses the company of unfair competition and potential violations of children’s privacy laws. While TikTok maintains its dedication to protecting children and improving its product, the ongoing investigations and legal battles highlight the challenges the company faces in navigating both national and international regulations.