
FTC Orders to Pay $8.5 Million in Refunds for Deceiving Job Seekers and Complicating Membership Cancellations

Deceiving Caregivers and Misleading Marketing Messages

The U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has taken action against, a popular platform connecting gig workers in the elder-care and childcare sectors. The FTC has ordered the company to pay $8.5 million in refunds to caregivers who were deceived while searching for jobs. It was found that’s marketing messages misled customers regarding the number of available job opportunities on the platform, as well as the potential earnings for caregivers.

The FTC’s investigation revealed that’s claims about job availability and potential earnings were not substantiated. Many caregivers were lured by promises of numerous job opportunities and high pay, only to discover a different reality upon joining the platform. This deception led to frustration and financial losses for caregivers who had relied on the platform for income.

Complicated Membership Cancellation Process

In addition to deceiving caregivers, the FTC also found that made it unnecessarily difficult for families to cancel their paid memberships. Users were directed to multi-page questionnaires and faced warnings that deterred them from canceling. This complex process made it challenging for users to end their membership and escape recurring charges.

The FTC has ordered to provide a simple and straightforward method for users to cancel their memberships. This requirement aims to protect the rights of families who no longer wish to utilize the platform’s services. By streamlining the cancellation process, will be held accountable for its business practices and ensure that users can easily opt out if they choose to do so.’s Response and Settlement

In response to the FTC’s actions, released a statement expressing its willingness to settle and its commitment to helping families and caregivers. Despite being prepared for a potentially lengthy legal battle, the company ultimately chose to avoid protracted litigation. This decision allows to refocus its efforts on its core mission—supporting families and caregivers—while also addressing the concerns raised by the FTC.

The settlement with the FTC serves as a reminder to platform-based companies that they must be transparent and truthful in their marketing efforts. It highlights the importance of accurately representing job opportunities and potential earnings to both caregivers and families seeking services. By adhering to these principles, companies can build trust with their users and avoid legal repercussions.

Moving Forward

The FTC’s action against serves as a cautionary tale for platforms operating in the gig economy. Caregivers and workers in other sectors must be wary of promises that seem too good to be true. It is essential for both sides—those seeking work and those offering it—to conduct thorough research and exercise due diligence when engaging with gig platforms.

Furthermore, this case emphasizes the need for regulatory oversight and enforcement to protect the rights and interests of gig workers. Government agencies play a crucial role in ensuring that platforms operate fairly and honestly. By holding companies accountable for their actions, regulators can foster a more transparent and trustworthy gig economy.

Ultimately, the FTC’s intervention in the case serves as a reminder that deceptive practices and misleading marketing messages will not be tolerated. The settlement highlights the importance of maintaining integrity in the gig economy and underscores the responsibility of platforms to provide accurate information to users. Caregivers and families alike can now look forward to a more transparent and user-friendly experience when engaging with gig platforms like