Home Business Game Job Aggregator Estimates Slower Rate of Layoffs in 2024

Game Job Aggregator Estimates Slower Rate of Layoffs in 2024

**The Gaming Industry Faces Layoffs in 2024, but the Rate is Slowing Down**

According to game job aggregator Amir Satvat, the gaming industry is projected to see an additional 4,463 layoffs in 2024. However, Satvat also notes that the rate of layoffs is slowing down. Satvat has been aggregating game job data since 2022 and has helped around 2,000 people find jobs. His predictions are based on historical data and millions of data points that he has reviewed or created. While these forecasts may not be entirely accurate, they offer valuable insights into the industry’s current state.

The total number of layoffs for the year is expected to reach 15,742, with 11,279 people already laid off as of July 6. This figure surpasses the 10,500 layoffs that occurred in 2023, according to the Game Industry Layoff Tracker. These numbers indicate a stabilization in layoffs within the gaming industry.

**Positive Signs for Job Seekers**

Despite the layoffs, there is some good news for job seekers. Satvat recently observed a shift in the market towards more hiring and less firing. He predicts that the number of people being hired will soon exceed the number of people being fired, possibly as early as September. This is an encouraging sign for those looking to enter or transition within the gaming industry.

**Transparency in the Gaming Industry**

Satvat’s transparency in sharing his forecasts is commendable, especially in an industry known for its lack of transparency. His projections are not meant to celebrate or downplay any layoffs but rather provide a realistic baseline figure based on available data. Satvat’s ultimate goal is to see zero additional layoffs in the industry.

**The Importance of Job Resources and Mentors**

Satvat’s efforts in posting job resources and providing mentors have been instrumental in helping over 2,000 people find jobs so far. These resources and guidance are invaluable for individuals navigating the gaming industry job market, particularly during times of uncertainty.

**Looking Ahead**

While Satvat’s forecast for 2024 appears to be on track, he hopes that his estimate will prove to be wrong and that there will be significantly fewer layoffs. He continues to gather data and work on projections for 2025, but he does not currently have enough statistical confidence to present the results.

In conclusion, while the gaming industry is still experiencing layoffs, the rate of job cuts is slowing down. Job seekers can take solace in the fact that the market is shifting towards more hiring opportunities. Satvat’s transparency and efforts to provide job resources and mentorship demonstrate his commitment to helping individuals find employment in the gaming industry.

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