Home Business Game Job Market Turning Around: Positive Trends in Hiring and Placement Rates

Game Job Market Turning Around: Positive Trends in Hiring and Placement Rates

Game job hiring is finally showing signs of improvement, according to Amir Satvat, the director of business development at Tencent and the creator of a game community job resource aggregator. Satvat’s analysis of job market data suggests that the industry is turning around after years of stagnation. He believes that the statistics are aligning positively, with an increase in hiring turnover, stability in the number of available positions, and improved placement rates for candidates outside of the gaming industry.

Satvat predicts that by the end of Q3’24, the percentage of game job seekers who have been unemployed for over a year will drop below 30%. Although this may still seem far away for those who have been out of work for an extended period, there is some promising news. The number of weekly programmatic layoff situations has decreased significantly, reaching only half of the peak levels. This indicates a potential decrease in job insecurity within the industry.

Additionally, there has been no noticeable increase in contract or fractional jobs compared to full-time positions. This suggests that companies are still hiring for long-term roles rather than relying on temporary or project-based employment. Furthermore, 13 out of 20 major game job categories are experiencing an increase in hiring, indicating growth across various sectors within the gaming industry.

Despite these positive trends, Satvat acknowledges that there is still work to be done. While the current situation is not cause for celebration, it does provide a glimmer of hope for job seekers in the gaming industry. Satvat compares the industry’s progress to a patient in critical care who is now at least discussing the possibility of moving to intensive care.

On a personal level, Satvat’s job resources have helped approximately 2,000 individuals find employment within the gaming industry. This further supports his analysis that the job market is gradually improving.

Overall, while the game job hiring landscape still presents challenges, there are encouraging signs of recovery. The decrease in programmatic layoffs, the stability of full-time positions, and the increase in hiring across various job categories indicate that the gaming industry is heading in a positive direction. Job seekers can remain hopeful as they navigate the evolving landscape and take advantage of resources like Satvat’s job aggregator to enhance their chances of finding employment in the gaming industry.

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