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“Gamers Contribute to Cancer Research in EVE Online’s Project Discovery”

## How gamers are contributing to cancer research

In EVE Online’s latest initiative, Project Discovery Phase Four, gamers are actively contributing to cancer research through a citizen science program. This unique collaboration between the gaming community and scientific researchers has proven to be highly successful, with players providing valuable data and making significant contributions to various scientific fields.

### The concept behind Project Discovery

Project Discovery was initially introduced by Attila Szantner, CEO of Massively Multiplayer Online Science. The program engages gamers in analyzing and interpreting research data through a series of mini-games within EVE Online. In previous phases, players have contributed to research on proteins in human cells, exoplanet discovery, and COVID-19 research.

The current phase focuses on cancer research, where gamers are given data related to flow cytometry, a technology used to analyze cell types in the blood. By analyzing this data, players help identify different cell types and provide valuable insights for researchers.

### The power of gaming in citizen science

One of the key takeaways from Project Discovery is the immense engagement and high-quality data provided by gamers. Attila Szantner highlights that gamers not only solve the engagement problem in citizen science but also generate massive amounts of data sets for researchers. This collaboration has proven to be a powerful tool for discussing and promoting scientific research.

Bergur Finnbogason, EVE Online’s creative director, emphasizes the diverse motivations of players participating in Project Discovery. While some players are primarily driven by in-game rewards, many others participate out of a sense of pride and the desire to give back. Furthermore, the program has sparked discussions among players who are genuinely interested in the research, leading to a broader understanding of scientific concepts among the gaming community.

### The impact of gamer numbers

Dr. Ryan Brinkman, Distinguished Scientist at BC Cancer Agency and University of British Columbia, explains the significance of gamer participation in analyzing flow cytometry data. Unlike a single scientist analyzing a plot, Project Discovery benefits from the collective force of hundreds of gamers examining the same data. By developing bioinformatics math technologies, researchers can leverage the contributions of these players and identify the best solutions. Surprisingly, gamers outperformed the scientists in their analysis, demonstrating the power of collective intelligence.

Jerome Waldispuhl, Associate Professor of Computer Science at McGill University, emphasizes that Project Discovery showcases the potential of games as essential tools for scientific research. The program not only allows players to contribute to science but also challenges the perception of gaming as purely entertainment. By infusing science into society through digital games, the gaming community is actively changing society and promoting scientific progress.

In conclusion, EVE Online’s Project Discovery Phase Four represents an innovative and successful collaboration between the gaming community and scientific researchers. The contributions made by gamers in analyzing and interpreting research data have proven to be invaluable, providing new insights and advancing scientific knowledge. This initiative not only showcases the potential of gaming in citizen science but also highlights the positive impact gaming can have on society as a whole.

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