Home Enterprise GitHub and JFrog Partner to Streamline Source Code and Binary Management

GitHub and JFrog Partner to Streamline Source Code and Binary Management

GitHub and JFrog have announced a partnership aimed at providing developers and support teams with an easier way to manage their source code and binaries. This collaboration offers a deeper integration between the two platforms, including the ability to trace code from source to binary packages, single sign-on support, and unified project structures.

While GitHub focuses on source code and JFrog on binaries, the overlap between them is relatively small. However, about half of JFrog’s customers are also GitHub users, making this partnership a natural fit. Both companies have a shared vision of creating a seamless and secure software ecosystem for their enterprise customers.

The integration between GitHub and JFrog will result in a unified dashboard that displays the results of security scans from both platforms. This will provide developers with a comprehensive view of the security of their source code and binaries. Additionally, the partnership extends to GitHub’s AI tool, Copilot, which will now allow developers to ask questions about software packages and how to best secure them.

The collaboration between GitHub and JFrog is driven by the needs of enterprises to consolidate their spending around best-of-breed solutions. This partnership allows developers to work with their preferred platforms while ensuring scalability and security.

The integration between GitHub and JFrog also addresses the need for traceability in the software supply chain. Customers can now easily track a piece of code’s lifecycle from source code to binary and back. This enhances collaboration between developers and enables faster issue resolution.

Security is a critical aspect of this partnership. The integration allows for source-based and binary-based security findings to be displayed together, providing a holistic view of the security posture. This simplifies software supply chain security and shortens remediation times.

The collaboration between GitHub and JFrog is just the beginning. The companies plan to deepen their integration further and will share more details at JFrog’s swampUP conference in September. This partnership aims to provide developers with the best experience by leveraging the strengths of both platforms and creating a unified software ecosystem.

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