
Goodcarbon Raises €5.25M to Simplify Carbon Credit Trading: Pitch Deck Teardown


Goodcarbon, a company in the carbon credits trading market, recently raised €5.25 million in funding to simplify and streamline the process. Their pitch deck, although missing some crucial information, effectively tells a compelling story that highlights the potential of the market, their portfolio approach, and their social proof. However, there are areas for improvement, such as including a competition slide, providing more details on their go-to-market strategy, target customers, operating plan, business model, pricing model, unit economics, and moat. Additionally, the team slide could be more convincing. Let’s dive deeper into these aspects.

A Large and Growing Market

Goodcarbon successfully paints a picture of a huge and rapidly growing market for carbon credits. The company highlights the explosive growth in the cost of carbon credits, emphasizing the significant opportunity it presents. This approach effectively conveys to investors that they are targeting a market of great value and potential.

Gotta Love a Good Portfolio Approach

One standout aspect of Goodcarbon’s pitch deck is their portfolio approach to carbon offsetting. By positioning themselves as a managed-risk balancing platform, they appeal to VCs who appreciate spread-risk portfolios. This approach helps reduce risk for investors by diversifying their carbon credit portfolios. Goodcarbon could have highlighted this aspect more prominently in their deck since it is an innovative and creative solution to an existing challenge in the market.

Social Proof Out the Wazoo

Goodcarbon leverages social proof effectively by showcasing logos of companies that trust them with their carbon strategy. This type of social proof adds credibility and trust to their pitch deck. It also sets the stage for potential reference calls between investors and these companies, further validating Goodcarbon’s reputation and potential.

Areas for Improvement

While Goodcarbon’s pitch deck is decent, it lacks crucial information that would be expected by U.S. institutional investors. The missing pieces include a competition slide, go-to-market strategy details, target customer identification, operating plan, business model explanation, pricing model details, unit economics, and a discussion of their moat. Including these elements would provide investors with a more comprehensive understanding of Goodcarbon’s business and its potential for success.

The Team Slide

Goodcarbon’s team slide could be more convincing. Investors may question whether the team is the perfect fit to run a carbon credits company. It would be beneficial for the team to address this concern by emphasizing their track record and the results they have achieved. By showcasing their accomplishments on the traction slide, they can prove their capabilities and expertise in the industry.

The Problem and Solution Slides

Goodcarbon dedicates a significant portion of their pitch deck to the problem and solution slides. While it is essential to highlight the problem and its impact, spending five slides on this topic may be excessive. Investors in this space are likely already aware of the problem and the effects of climate change. Goodcarbon could have summarized these slides and focused on highlighting the unique aspects of their approach instead.


Goodcarbon’s pitch deck effectively communicates the potential of the carbon credits trading market, their portfolio approach, and their social proof. However, there are areas for improvement, such as including missing information on competition, go-to-market strategy, target customers, operating plan, business model, pricing model, unit economics, and their moat. Additionally, the team slide could be more convincing. By addressing these areas, Goodcarbon can strengthen their pitch deck and increase their chances of securing investment.