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Google Adds Support for 110 Languages to Translation Service Using PaLM 2 AI Model

Google’s translation service is about to become even more inclusive and accessible as the company announced the addition of support for 110 languages. Powered by its PaLM 2 AI model, Google’s translation service continues to evolve and cater to a wider range of linguistic needs.

These newly added languages include Afar, Cantonese, Manx, Nko, Punjabi (Shahmukhi), Tamazight (Amazigh), and Tok Pisin. This expansion means that Google’s translation service now covers languages spoken by over 614 million people, which accounts for approximately 8% of the global population.

It’s important to note that these languages are at different stages of usage. While some languages boast a significant number of speakers, others are in danger of dying out. However, Google recognizes the importance of preserving languages and supports efforts aimed at keeping them alive.

When adding support for a language, Google takes into account various factors such as regional varieties, dialects, and different spelling standards. This ensures that the translation service is as accurate and comprehensive as possible.

Issac Caswell, a software engineer at Google, explains their approach further, stating, “Our approach has been to prioritize the most commonly used varieties of each language. For example, Romani is a language with many dialects across Europe. Our models produce text that is closest to Southern Vlax Romani, a commonly used variety online. But it also incorporates elements from others, like Northern Vlax and Balkan Romani.”

This recent expansion aligns with Google’s broader goal of supporting 1,000 languages through AI, which they announced in 2022. In the same year, the company introduced support for 24 languages spoken by over 300 million people using its one-shot model.

While Google continues to enhance its translation capabilities, Apple has also entered the translation space. At WWDC, Apple revealed that it is adding support for Hindi to its translation app. However, when compared to Google, Apple Translate currently supports just over 20 languages.

Overall, Google’s dedication to linguistic inclusivity and language preservation is commendable. By constantly expanding its translation service and leveraging AI technology, Google is breaking down language barriers and enabling effective communication across cultures.

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