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Google Introduces New AI Capabilities to Gmail: Summarize Emails, Get Meeting Highlights, and Ask Questions


At Google I/O, the search-engine tech giant, Google, announced new AI capabilities for Gmail through Gemini. These new features will enhance the functionality of the popular inbox app by allowing users to summarize emails, get highlights from Google Meet recordings, and ask AI chatbot Gemini questions about information buried in their inbox.

Gmail Can Summarize Your Emails:

Gemini’s integration into Gmail will introduce a new field where users can ask the AI chatbot to summarize specific emails in their inbox. This feature will save users time and effort by providing a condensed version of lengthy emails. For example, if a parent has received multiple emails from their child’s elementary school, they can simply prompt Gemini with “Catch me up on emails from Maywood Park Elementary School.” Gemini will then provide a rundown of all the missed information without the need to open each email individually. This “CliffsNotes” tool will make it easier for users to stay informed and organized.

Get Google Meet Highlights:

Another exciting feature announced by Google is the ability to obtain highlights from Google Meet recordings. Instead of having to sit through an entire hour-long meeting, users can simply ask Gemini to provide the main points of the meeting. This feature will enable users to quickly catch up with their team and stay updated on important discussions without investing significant time.

Ask Gemini Questions About Information in Your Emails:

During the Google I/O presentation, Google showcased Gemini’s capabilities on mobile devices and demonstrated how it can find information buried deep within users’ inboxes. For instance, a demo showed a woman asking Gemini questions like “When are my shoes arriving?” and “What times do the doors open for the Knicks game?” Gemini will comb through the user’s emails and provide the answers effortlessly, saving users from the hassle of searching for specific emails containing the desired information.

The Future of Gmail:

Google has announced that these new features will be rolled out gradually. The summarization capabilities are expected to be available starting this month, while the Q&A capabilities will be introduced in July. With these advancements, Gmail is positioning itself as a more intelligent and efficient email platform, empowering users to manage their inbox more effectively.


Google’s incorporation of Gemini into Gmail brings exciting new AI capabilities to the popular inbox app. The ability to summarize emails, get highlights from Google Meet recordings, and ask Gemini questions about buried information will streamline email management and improve productivity for Gmail users. These features demonstrate Google’s commitment to leveraging AI to enhance user experiences and make information more accessible. As Gmail continues to evolve, users can look forward to a more intelligent and intuitive email platform.

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